December 2017
USERSTYLES - EXAMPLE - ss16 a Fresh attempt at (user)styling 4chan.... (2017)
ss16 - a self-centered, fresh attempt at (user)styling 4chan
* created on: February 11th, 2016
* last modified: May 16th, 2017
* 4chan X version: ccd0 /
* created by: @saxamaphone69
* (loose) coding style:
* in an attempt to make the style as user-friendly as possible, i will
* comment most of the css to explain what it all does
* please leave any comments, suggestions, or feedback on github:
* this userstyle utilises a lot of best practices
* and sensible defaults inspired from a variety of
* stylish and modern web frameworks and resources, mainly:
* first thing we do, is we use web fonts from google!
* this is so users aren't required to download fonts prior.
* and of course, if you don't want to or don't like it,
* delete or change it accordingly. we use roboto, roboto mono,
* karla, and material icons. circular has been removed in the production
* version of ss16 to not only keep the file size down, but also
* to not have a font that i don't own the license for :^)
June 2017
CSS - @font-face - Using @font-face - CSS-Tricks
The @font-face rule allows custom fonts to be loaded on a webpage. Once added to a stylesheet, the rule instructs the browser to download the font from where it is hosted, then display it as specified in the CSS.
Without the rule, our designs are limited to the fonts that are already loaded on a user's computer, which vary depending on the system being used. Here's a nice breakdown of existing system fonts.
(2 marks)