public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from drunkenmaster with tags web20 & javascript

24 March 2006

Using AjaxWrite in Fold

Describes how to use AjaxWrite in an HTML container in Fold.

16 March 2006

Using gmail in the Fold Web 2.0 start page

Short intro how to setup gmail in an HTML container in Fold.

03 March 2006

Webportal Fold now supports Flash content

Obviously this opens up a truckload of new applications for the portal.

16 February 2006

Building an OS X like sliding dock with JavaScript and CSS (Part 2)

Part 2 of a detailed write-up on how to implement a cool auto-hiding, transparent dock with JS and CSS. This part describes how the actual animation works.

15 February 2006

Building an OS X like sliding dock with JavaScript and CSS

Part 1 of a detailed write-up on how to implement a cool auto-hiding, transparent dock with JS and CSS.

drunkenmaster's TAGS related to tag web20

ajax +   ajaxwrite +   css +   flash +   flickr +   fold +   gmail +   javascript +   mysql +   portal +   rails +   ror +   ruby +   web 2.0 +   web2.0 +