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PUBLIC MARKS from ecmanaut with tags EventHandling & public

12 December 2005

HedgerWow's Blog - Initialization in Javascript

The onload handler handles some things that the crude case of the other two do not, perhaps most importantly guaranteeing that the entire document has been loaded and parsed (so, for instance, entities such as document.body is available in most browsers)

21 November 2005

Automate double password confirmation typing by means of Greasemonkey

I actually think it's both simpler, more robust and elegant to propagate the same event we got to the other form field -- that way, we don't have to figure out what the received keypress was supposed to <i>do</i> with the field, and emulate the same behav

ecmanaut's TAGS related to tag EventHandling

crossbrowser +   eng +   javascript +   myComments +   ownsitecomments +   public +   usability +