public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from garret with tags rss & "podcast player"

November 2008

MyTunesRSS | iTunes RSS Feeder

MyTunesRSS lets you listen to your music wherever you are. It provides a configuration interface and a web server which you run on your local host where all your music lives. After starting the server you can access your music through a nice web interface from all over the world using any web browser. You can even use devices like a Playstation Portable or the Nintento Wii to play your music.

July 2007

Playing mp3 with an embedded Flash player |

"These are all tools to play either individual MP3 files or playlists (e.g. podcast RSS feeds) in a web page. Most of them are based on Macromedia/Adobe Flash."

Chart of Flash Based Podcast Players | Okay To Play

"There is no perfect one-size-fits-all player. Try to find (or create) a player that fits your show."

Pluggd - Discover, Listen to, and Share Podcasts

by 4 others
"Discover podcasts based on your interests and the interests of others. Experience and listen to them online, or download to your PC or mobile device. Share your opinions, thoughts, and insights on podcasts by rating them and passing them on to friends, family, and colleagues."

January 2007

Streampad | Internet audio player

by 6 others
Streampad is like iTunes for your web browser. Play your music files (located at home or at, or music on the internet, such as podcasts or web pages with mp3's, such as music blogs. Streampad also lets you see what others are playing and create playlists.