public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from greut with tags scrum & team

March 2009

seedcamp: It's All About Education

As Morpheus would say: There is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path. Your first sprints will probably fail. Ours did. But you have to keep going.

Quotes from the Matrix always look cheesy

Product-Owner: Are you a chicken? | Agile Software Development

The Chicken Test

If it walks like chicken and clucks like a chicken, it probably is a chicken. And if the team is treating you like a chicken, then you are probably acting like a chicken.

November 2008

InfoQ: Scrum and XP from the Trenches

by 2 others

This book aims to give you a head start by providing a detailed down-to-earth account of how one Swedish company implemented Scrum and XP with a team of approximately 40 people and how they continuously improved their process over a year's time.

another (free as in beer) book to read

greut's TAGS related to tag scrum

agile +   book +   cargo cult +   company +   fail +   free +   lean +   life +   quote +   software +   team +   use +   web +   work +   xp +