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PUBLIC MARKS from itsatrap with tags surveillance & "free speech"

04 August 2007 23:00

Democrats sell out America thanks to spy bill vote

What an absolute disgrace this is. Not only did the Democrats almost completely cave in to the Bush junta on this most critical issue, they actually gave him more power. Unbelievable. How can any Democrat paint themselves as a logical alternative to the GOP when you have this kind of sycophancy going on? Aren't we past this knee-jerk "ZOMG THE TERRORISTS ARE COMING TO KILL US!!!11111″ nonsense yet, that we should so easily give up the rights for which we're supposedly fighting? What makes this even worse is...

itsatrap's TAGS related to tag surveillance

Blue Dogs +   bush +   civil liberties +   democrats +   free speech +   nsa +   Patriot Act +   privacy +   wiretapping +