public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from jackiege with tags api & websites

September 2006

SafePasswd - Generate Secure Passwords

by 9 others
密码生成器Generate "safe and secure passwords on the fly for your web applications quickly and easily." Includes support for hex, so you can create WEP keys in addition to passwords.

Dapper: The Data Mapper

by 7 others
******A service that allows anyone to create an API for any website without needing to program.

June 2006

Tagyu :: Automatically categorize the web

by 11 others

May 2006

ProgrammableWeb: Mashups and the Web as Platform

by 7 others
介绍最新的mashups,最新最有趣的web2 api,web2workgroup成员之一

jackiege's TAGS related to tag api

3d +   ads +   adsclassified +   ajax +   bizmodel +   category +   china +   code +   cool +   dianping +   game +   general +   generator +   google + + +   im +   map +   mashups +   msft +   msn +   online +   panoramas +   password +   programming +   rest +   SearchEngine +   security +   sketchup +   spam +   syndication +   tag +   tech +   tools +   vc +   web2 +   web2site +   websites +   wiki +   wikimapia +   yam +