October 2006
iFeedReaders - Feeding Feed Readers Your Feed
by 5 othersThe objective of this site is simple, create a one central place to send your feed and have all the subscription services coded and ready to go.
September 2006
FeedButton Beta. Uncluttering Blogs & simplifying RSS Feeds.
by 15 others一個簡便的RSS訂閱鍵生成器,只要輸入你的RSS位址,就可以生成網路上最常使用的幾種RSS閱讀界面的訂閱鍵。
SafePasswd - Generate Secure Passwords
by 9 others密码生成器Generate "safe and secure passwords on the fly for your web applications quickly and easily." Includes support for hex, so you can create WEP keys in addition to passwords.
by 13 otherstext-image.com则是一个在线的把图片转为文字-图片的工具。它提供三种方式来转换:HTML,ASCII,和Matrix。很有意思的网站。
August 2006
June 2006
May 2006
(13 marks)