September 2006 - Free Computer Books, Tutorials & Lecture Notes
by 9 others针对 IT 行业相关的自由书籍以及技术文档的一个服务项目,他们本身不提供文档,而是通过网络里收集的文档链接来索引,分门别类的很方便用户查找 - all your docs are belong to us - PHP, Perl, CSS, HTML, Java, JavaScript, MySQL, Ruby, and more
一个面向开发者的技术文档搜索引擎,可以快速查找 PHP、Perl、CSS、HTML、Java、JavaScript、MySQL、Ruby 等有价值的技术文档,对于开发者们以及相关专业的学生来说非常有用。
Dapper: The Data Mapper
by 7 others******A service that allows anyone to create an API for any website without needing to program.
July 2006
Snipplr - Code 2.0
by 19 others (via)Snipplr gives you a place to store and organize all the little pieces of code that we use everyday at work and in our own projects. Best of all, it lets you share with other coders and designers. Did we mention it works with TextMate, too? It's code 2.0.
(5 marks)