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PUBLIC MARKS from jackiege with tags syndication & feeds

01 July 2006 16:00


by 1 other
allows you to create one or more personal or business feeds

01 July 2006 15:30

FeedCatch - RSS archiver by

by 8 others (via)
1#RearchBuzz.catches the contents of a feed into one uberfeed that doesn't expire.set some limits on it - delete the oldest item if there are more than x items in the feed or delete the oldest item if it's more than x hours old . remove items after following their links.

jackiege's TAGS related to tag syndication

aggregator +   ajax +   api +   bbs +   blog +   BSP +   code +   cool +   daily + +   feeds +   forum +   im +   links +   marketing +   mashups +   msn +   news +   online +   portal +   programming +   rss +   RSSReader +   startpage +   tools +   videos +   web2 +   web2site +   webmail +   websites +   whatis +