public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from jdrsantos with tags javascript & framework


InK - Interface Kit

Ink is an interface kit for quick development of web interfaces, simple to use and expand on. It uses a combination of HTML, CSS and JavaScript to offer modern solutions for building layouts, display common interface elements and implement interactive features that are content-centric and user friendly for both your audience and your designers


ActiveJS: JavaScript Application Framework

ActiveJS is a JavaScript application framework that provides local and REST based data modeling and pure DOM view construction with back button and history support.

Cappuccino Web Framework - Build Desktop Class Applications in Objective-J and JavaScript

by 5 others
Cappuccino is an open source framework that makes it easy to build desktop-caliber applications that run in a web browser.


by 3 others
JavaScriptMVC is an open-source framework containing the best ideas in jQuery development.

batman.js — overview

by 1 other
Batman.js is a framework for building rich web applications with CoffeeScript or JavaScript. App code is concise and declarative, thanks to a powerful system of view bindings and observable properties. The API is designed with developer and designer happiness as its first priority.

Express - node.js web application framework

by 2 others
Express is a minimal and flexible node.js web application framework, providing a robust set of features for building single and multi-page, and hybrid web applications.

Backbone.js Tutorials

This site is by no means the definitive guide to backbone.js and all corrections and contributions are welcome.


Backbone.js gives structure to web applications by providing models with key-value binding and custom events, collections with a rich API of enumerable functions, views with declarative event handling, and connects it all to your existing API over a RESTful JSON interface.


by 1 other
RequireJS is a JavaScript file and module loader. It is optimized for in-browser use, but it can be used in other JavaScript environments, like Rhino and Node. Using a modular script loader like RequireJS will improve the speed and quality of your code.


start [Jiggy]

by 1 other
Simply put, Jiggy is the easiest way to create applications for the iPhone (or iPod Touch). With just Jiggy and a browser, you'll be able to write an awesome iPhone application in a matter of minutes. JiggyApps run natively on the iPhone, so there is no m