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PUBLIC MARKS from jdrsantos with tags php & cms



Webasyst Framework

Open source PHP framework for creating sleek multi-user web apps for businesses and teams, and complex websites.

Symphony. An open source CMS.

XSLT-powered open source content management system

ProcessWire CMS: Custom Fields, Strong API - Open Source CMS/CMF (PHP5)

by 1 other
ProcessWire is a PHP5 open source content management framework/system (CMF/CMS) built to save you time and work the way you do. Stop trying to bend other CMS platforms to your will – ProcessWire gives simpler and stronger control over your pages, fields, templates and markup at any scale. And it provides a powerful template system that works the way you already do. ProcessWire’s jQuery-inspired API makes working with your content easy and enjoyable.


XOOPS Brasil

XOOPS é um sistema de criação portais automatizados baseado em programação PHP orientada a objetos e banco de dados mySQL. Depois de instalado, um portal em XOOPS Cube pode ser gerenciado SEM A NECESSIDADE de ferramentas externas ou conhecimentos avançados de tecnologias da Internet, como FTP, HTML, Javascript, CGI, etc. O XOOPS Cube representa a solução ideal para quem não pode ou não quer depender de terceiros para administrar o seu próprio portal, possuindo milhares de recursos de redação, edição e publicação de conteúdo já incorporados e a custo zero! O XOOPS Cube é de código aberto sob os termos da licença BSD, ou seja: 100% gratuito. Tudo no XOOPS Cube é visual, intuitivo, e gostoso de usar.

SAPID Free Content Management Framework - a tool for real separation of concerns

by 2 others
SAPID CMF (Content Management Framework) is a framework for rapid creation of content-based Web 2.0 applications. SAPID CMF allows users to effectively organize new applications' data, structures, representations and functionality components (separation of concerns), with the added efficiency of reusable interface design.

Kajona³ [Open Source Content Management System | PHP MySQL]

Kajona³ - Open Source Content Management System

SyntaxCMS Blog

SyntaxCMS is an Open Source Content Management System project sponsored by Forum One Communications.


sNews is a completely free, standards compliant, PHP and MySQL driven Content Management System. sNews is extremely lightweight, simple and customizable. It's easy to install, and easy to use via a simple web interface. sNews consists of only one core eng

backendpro - Google Code

BackendPro is a control panel for developers written in PHP for the CodeIgniter framework. Its not like a CMS where it provides you with a full working system but it does provide you with part of a system.


MonkeyCMS is a PHP/MySQL-based content management system (CMS) that offers unprecedented control over content, layout and users all through a web-browser interface. It has been under development since late 2004 and had it's first full public release in th