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PUBLIC MARKS from jeet020 with tags Beginner's & edition

July 2009

A Stitch In Time : A Beginner's Guide to Sewing (Kindle Edition)

Can You Really Achieve Fashion Success In Today’s Economy?Yes, you can! Have you ever wondered why some people are more fashionable than others? You know the ones – they look like they just stepped out of an advertisement in Vogue.Well loo...

A Stitch In Time : A Beginner's Guide to Sewing (Kindle Edition)

by 1 other
Can You Really Achieve Fashion Success In Today’s Economy?Yes, you can! Have you ever wondered why some people are more fashionable than others? You know the ones – they look like they just stepped out of an advertisement in Vogue.Well loo...

A Stitch In Time : A Beginner's Guide to Sewing (Kindle Edition)

by 1 other
Can You Really Achieve Fashion Success In Today’s Economy?Yes, you can! Have you ever wondered why some people are more fashionable than others? You know the ones – they look like they just stepped out of an advertisement in Vogue.Well loo...

May 2009

A Stitch In Time : A Beginner's Guide to Sewing (Kindle Edition)

Can You Really Achieve Fashion Success In Today’s Economy?Yes, you can! Have you ever wondered why some people are more fashionable than others? You know the ones – they look like they just stepped out of an advertisement in Vogue.Well loo...

jeet020's TAGS related to tag Beginner's

edition +   guide +   kindle +   sewing +   stitch +   time +