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PUBLIC MARKS from jeet020 with tags diane & 1977

16 May 2009

Diane Keaton / TIME Cover: September 26, 1977, Art Poster by TIME Magazine

The most eagerly awaited event in the editorial cycle at TIME Magazine is always the selection of the cover. The best covers capture the zeitgeist of the week while surviving the judgment of history. As browsing this collection of TIME cover art pri...

07 May 2009

Time Magazine September 26 1977 Diane Keaton Annie Hall Meets Mr. Goodbar * Lance's Day in Court (Paperback)

No description for this product could be found, but have a look over at Amazon for reviews and other information. SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "Time Magazine September 26 1977 Diane Keaton Annie Hall Meets Mr. Goodbar * Lance’s Day in Court (Paper...

jeet020's TAGS related to tag diane

1977 +   annie +   cover. +   Goodbar +   hall +   keaton +   magazine +   Meets +   poster +   september +   time +