20 May 2009
original LIFE MAGAZINE of October 30 1950 with Faye Emerson on the cover. THEATER: Call Me Madam. MOVIES: 'All About Eve' with Bette Davis. (Paperback)
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SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "original LIFE MAGAZINE of October 30 1950 with Faye Emerson on the cover. THEATER: Call Me Madam. MOVIES: &...
13 May 2009
THE STARS COME DOWN: At New York's Metropolitan Opera TV Queen Faye Emerson, Dorothy Kirsten, Marguerite Piazza, Rise Stevens, and Gladys Swarthout pass Lawrence Tibbett while descending the stairs. ..... 1951 LIFE Magazine Picture, A3620A.
This Item is an original Magazine ad, taken from a vintage magazine of the year indicated. The ad is suitable for framing and displaying in your home or office. The scan of this item was taken through plastic film, however it is an accurate represen...
(2 marks)