public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from jlesage with tags essays & film

02 December 2006

Making Sense of Metaphors by Bernard J. Tibbetts

subtitle: Visuality, Aurality, and the Reconfiguration of American Legal Discourse, 1994, long full-text essay online

01 December 2006 what's new

online film magazine with an independent, often European focus

Media Art Net | Sitemap

English site overview page of a large German site for media, art, and the Internet

Hayden White, Historiography and Historiophoty

"Historiophoty" is Robert Rosentstone's term for our representing history visually and filmically; in contrast, according to White, is "historiography," representing history verbally, in prose.

Cinemarati Blog

"brings together online film critics for serious, and seriously fun, discussion about film"; links to blogs by selected critics

Zoom In Online: the internet video channel providing essential info on media & entertainment

business and technology for media artists; many interesting perspectives and tech histories


online film journal, offbeat and cult as well as international film covered :: Volume 10, Issue 10

by 2 others
Canadian film journal online since 1997, wide coverage of independent and international film; many resources

30 November 2006

Boston Review

by 1 other
left political and literary review, good writing


film journal from Concordia University in Montreal

Miradas--in Spanish

extensive critical discussion of Latin American film and TV; Cuban site

26 November 2006


ejournal, interdisciplinary approaches to visual culture

22 November 2006

DIGITALSOULS.COM - new media art | philosophy | culture

"one of the longest continuously running online galleries and e-zines dedicated to new media art, digital culture and philosophy; contributions by international artists and writers including Brian Eno, Yoko Ono, John Berger, Sean Cubitt, Susan Sontag..."

20 November 2006

Notes on The Gaze

Daniel Chandler's overview of the use of an important concept in media theory

Welcome to Transparency

by 1 other
"interprets and critiques movies and television, news and political rhetoric, theme parks and advertising, computer games and the Internet, and other creations of contemporary culture"

Design Observer: writings about design & culture

by 1 other
very well written blog; as I have commented before, knowing about space and place is crucial for thoughtful mediamakers

Aesthetics and Visual Culture

extensive links page, from a philosophy disciplinary perspective; updated Aug. 06

18 November 2006 Accessible Writing

by 3 others
large collection of academic essays; "such diverse topics as art, architecture, race, Internet studies, sexuality, drama, design, multimedia, and current social issues. Also hypertext and streaming audio and video recordings."

Dr Daniel Chandler's UWA Home Page

extensive website of visual semiotician, with course outlines, online papers, and an interesting links page

15 November 2006

Senses of Cinema

one of the best online film journals; exhaustive and regularly updated links page

11 November 2006

02 November 2006

Luxonline - Home

web site for/about UK film and video artists, mostly avant garde

Dialogic: Giorgio Agamben: Means Without Ends

a collection of ideas from Agamben that summarizes some of his key ideas; blog from "a dialogic provocateur searching for viable alternative/oppositional cultures." Much on film; many links.