public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from jlesage with tags internet & edublogs

November 2006

TeacherSource | . Tag - You're Delicious! | PBS

may 06 discussion of how delicious works; useful overview and collection of comments. PBS teachersouce is also worth visiting from time to time

Connectivism Blog

by 1 other
a new theory of education and learning, for a digital Internet culture


by 1 other
Judy O'Connell, heyjude, also has a wonderful site; this is her blog. All things Web 2.0, especially as related to education.


edublogger gives screen grabs and audio explanations - demonstrating ways of using information and communication technologies for teaching and learning online; effective demos

September 2006

Blogs and Community – launching a new paradigm for online community? at The Knowledge Tree

theoretical discussion of the different ways blogs join those with potentially common interests

June 2006

a thaumaturgical compendium

well written and goes in surprising directions