public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from kifolga with tags tourism & countries

November 2007

Bermudas Islands

Bermudas Islands spots: Harrington Sound and Fairy-land. Hamilton, the capital of Bermuda, is a charming little town. The islands, in a direct line, are but fifteen miles in length, and never over two miles broad.

September 2007

Old past of ukrainian city Lviv.

The historical view towards ancient heroic past life in Lviv (Ukraine).

August 2007

Countries in 1900.

Descriptions and old photos of the most world countries as they were in the beginning of the 20th century.

July 2007

Travelling around the capitals of world countries in the beginning of the 20th century. Countries in 1900. helps to knew about capitals of the countries in 1900 as they were represented in last century printings. Description of the cities, their population, architecture, industry, import, export.

June 2007

Beautiful pond with different kinds of fish in Varjushino. Nikolaevskaya oblast.

Beautiful pond with different kinds of fish (karp, amur) near village Varjushino. It is located on the wright bank of the river Juzhny Bug in the mouth of the river Chichekleya. Nikolaevskaya oblast.

May 2007

Ukraine in 1965 in figures.

History & analitics of Ukrainian Republic in 1965.

Bukovina in Ukraine.

The history and real life of Bukovina, the beautiful Ukrainian land.