public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from knann with tags "assistive technology" & strategies

31 October 2006 11:00

Learning Disabilities and Assistive Technologies

-this web site is a resource for service providers, teachers, parents, consumers and their circles of support -this web site incorporates an assistive technology evaluation, and information on specific difficulties (i.e, reading, writing, memory organization and math) also incorporated are success stories of adolescents and adults using assistive technology to help them live more independently -this web site does not substitute for one-on-one information with an assistive technology provider, whether in the school system or in a rehabilitation setting.

31 October 2006 09:30

Georgia Project for Assistive Technology

GPAT has developed resources to assist educational teams in the implementation and integration of assistive technology into instructional activities. These resources address the development of assistive technology intervention plans and technology enhanced lesson plans. Sample lesson plans related to state educational standards are also available. these lesson plans include set-up and follow-up activities for each lesson. Tutorials, technology tips, and supplemental materials are also provided.