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PUBLIC MARKS from knann with tags subtraction & es:math

April 2008

Addition and Subtraction Games

Double Digit Math Addition : This program will make a new double digit worksheet (with no carrying or regrouping) each time you enter the page. Type in your answers and the computer will mark your work when you press the check work button. Learn How to Carry: Practice carrying numbers as you add. This games will come with audio that instructs you on your mistakes. Timed Math Drills Practice carrying numbers How many questions can you do in 60 seconds. Choose the difficulty of the questions and have your work marked by a computer. Add Them UP: Practise adding three numbers at once in this fun interactive game. Takes awhile to load on slow lines but well worth waiting! Equal Math Sentence: Practise adding single digits and visually see how to regroup the numbers. Visual Double Digit Adding and Subtracting: Practise adding and subtracting double digits and visually see how to regroup the numbers. Addition Drills Game: Practise adding and subtracting with math drills. Your choose the number range. The computer will mark your work with cool sound effects. Math Worksheet Generator: Make your own math addition worksheets. Teachers, this program will make the sheets with the numbers you want. Single to Triple Digit Adding: Try some adding drills with audio comments to cue you on mistakes. Visual Simple Fractions Adding and Subtracting: Try some adding and subtracting simple fractions with visual pictures to help you understand. Addition Game: Try making 3 numbers add vertically and horizontally. Good problem solving. Pick the card: Pick the right card that equals the adding question. Questions cover addition of numbers 1 to 20. Addition and Subtraction Game: This game will give you an addition or subtraction questions and mark your work, even talk to you. Uses the range of 1-20. Doubles Adding Game: A great way to memorize addition facts is to do it with doubles such as 1 + 1, 2 + 2 etc. Turn the cards in this fun game to match the math sentence with the answer. eg 3 +3 matches 6 . Lots of cool animations! Minute Math Game: Can you do these kids math worksheets in a minute? This program gives lots of math worksheets of addition, subtraction, multiplication or division math worksheets and marks all your work. A great tool for teachers. This program will mark work as either right or wrong but unfortunately it sometimes makes errors. Great for giving kids worksheets online to do with a specific number range.

October 2005

Fairy House: Add 9

The fairy wants to get into the houses, collect the keys by adding 9 to the number on the door. Do this by adding 10 and taking away 1.

Soccer Ball

Kick the ball that is 10 less than the number on the goalie's shirt! Headphones needed!

Flash Math: Follow the Rules

by 1 other
You must follow the rules to get through the maze. Choose easy, medium, hard. Improve your mental math addition and subtraction problem-solving with this game! Demonstrate with projector for whole class in lower grades.


Subtraction problems to 20. Fill in circles in middle with differences, Look for patterns. Teacher instruction initially. Click Instructions.

knann's TAGS related to tag subtraction

addition +   district +   es:math +   esteacher:math +   esvt +   gr1 +   gr2 +   gr3 +   gr4 +   math +   math:games +   math:nlvm +   mental math +   ms:math +   mslc +   msvt +   patterns +   problem solving +   projector +