March 2009
Overcome the problem of Hair Loss
It is a problem afflicting millions of men worldwide and the commencement of male pattern baldness can be one of the most stressful things to happen in a mans life. I started losing my hair when I was in my early twenties.
April 2008
The Problem with Odometers
We are used to trust the odometer of a vehicle we own. We know how many miles per hour it takes, at which mileage we have to have oil change, when it is time to get gas, etc. But in some case the odometer can be a robber.
September 2007
Professional car wash by your own? Not a problem any more
Washing car by your own can be very funny pastime, everything depends on the way one can organize it. Besides, it is real saving of money.The neglecting of the exterior appearance is vivid from the first sight. The tips written here aim to help you becoming a professional in the field of car washing.
(3 marks)