November 2007
Tutorial Notes on CD/DVD
This free book is a collection of tutorial notes taken the author while he was learning CD related technologies and software. Topics include CD types, physical parameters and logical formats; reading or playing, recording or burning CD, file formats used related to CDs.
March 2007
Tutorial Notes on C# - Part A
This free book is an excellent tutorial book for beginners. It is a collection of notes and sample codes written by the author while he was learning C# himself. Topics include array, C#, C sharp, data types, expression, literal, loop, .NET.
February 2007
Tutorial Notes on GB2312 Character Set
This free book describes the GB2312 character set. It provides a mapping table of all GB2312 characters, native codes, corresponding Unicode codes and UTF8 codes. The Java program source code that produces the mapping table is also included. Topics include character set, Chinese, encoding, Java, GB2312 to Unicode, Unicode to GB2312, UTF8.
January 2007
JDK Tutorials
by 1 otherThis free JDK tutorial book is a collection of notes and sample codes written by the author while he was learning JDK himself. It can be used as a tutorial guide for beginners or a reference book for experienced developers. Topics include Blowfish, Calendar, certificate, character set, cipher, client authentication, collections, datagram, Date, decryption, DES, digital signature, encryption, DOM, DSA, DTD, HTTP, HTTPS, J2SDK, Java, JCA, JDK, JDK 1.3.1, JDK 1.4.1, JDK 1.5.0, key store, keytool, Locale, message digests, MD5, private key, public key, RSA, SAX, secret key, SHA, socket, SSL, TLS, unnamed package, Unicode, UTF-8, X.509, XML, XSD, XS
December 2006
WinZip - ZIP Compression Tool
WinZip - ZIP Compression Tool
November 2006
PHP Tutorials
This free PHP tutorial book is a collection of notes and sample codes written by the author while he was learning PHP himself. It can be used as a tutorial guide for beginners or a reference book for experienced developers. Topics include array, CGI, CLI, cookie, database, directory, download, file, GB2312, header lines, HTTP, IIS, image, language, localization, mail, MySQL, non ASCII, output buffer, PHP, redirect, request, session, SMTP, SOAP, SOAP Extension, SQL, Unicode, WSDL.
Windows Tutorials
This free book is an excellent tutorial book for beginners. It is a collection of tutorial notes written by the author while he was learning and using MS Windows. Topics include Analog, Anonymous FTP, Crossover Cable, FTP, Graphics, GIF, HijackThis, IE Addon, IIS, JPEG, Puper, RAR, Spyware, SurfBuddy, Toolbar, Trojan, Vundo, VSAdd-in, Web, WebBar, winfixer, WinRAR, WinZip, ZIP.
October 2006
Tutorial Notes on Java Swing
This free book is an excellent tutorial book for beginners. It is a collection of notes and sample codes written by the author while he was learning Java AWT and Swing. Topics include AWT, button, Chinese, component, event, frame, graphics, GUI, internal frame, Java, JDK, JFC, language, label, listener, look and feel, MVC, radio button, resolution, screen, Swing, text field, thread, toolkit, tutorial, Unicode.
Visual Basic Script Tutorial
This free Visual Basic (VB) Script tutorial book is a collection of notes and sample codes written by the author while he was learning VB Script himself. It can be used as a tutorial guide for beginners or a reference book for experienced developers. Topics include Visual Basic, VB Script, Data Type, Variable, Variant, Array, String, Operation, Expression, If Else, Loop, While, For Each, Procedure, Function, Null, and Conversion.
Tutorial Notes on Web Service and SOAP
This free book is an excellent tutorial book for beginners. It is a collection of notes and sample codes written by the author while he was learning PHP himself. Topics include ActivePerl, Axis, Binding, Data Model, Encoding, HTTP, Java, Message, Message Exchange Patterns, NuSOAP, online, PEAR, PHP, Properties, RPC, SOA, SOAP 1.2, SOAP Extension, SOAP::Lite, UDDI, Web Method, Web service, WSDL
Tutorial Notes on XSL-FO and XHTML
by 1 otherThis free book is an excellent tutorial book for beginners. It is a collection of notes and sample codes written by the author while he was learning XSL-FO and XHTML. Topics include XHTML, XSL-FO, XSLT, PDF, layout, formatting, conversion
(11 marks)