May 2008
Soldier Sues Army, Saying His Atheism Led to Threats - New York Times
(via)“I thought going to Iraq was right because we had God on our side,” he said in an interview near Fort Riley.
July 2007
Aux Etats-Unis, l’ouverture d’un musée des erreurs
(via)Un peu plus loin, on nous explique que la Bible a commencé à perdre de son influence à cause d’une foison de libres-penseurs, méchamment dénoncés sur un mur du déshonneur : Bacon, Descartes, Laplace, Buffon, Darwin.
May 2007
Positive Atheism's Big List of Jerry Falwell Quotations
(via)"The idea that religion and politics don't mix was invented by the Devil to keep Christians from running their own country."
(3 marks)