30 April 2007
weight loss diet
(via)It has been said that those who fail to plan, plan to fail. Losing weight is not a spectator sport and it is not for the faint of heart. Preparation is the key to success. As far as meals go, fix lunches the night before and place them in the refrigerator. If you run late the next morning, all you need to do is grab your lunch box and go. Shop with a grocery list and stick to it. (Here’s where a menu planning service would definitely help.) Rid your home of all high calorie foods that should be eaten in moderation. If the junk foods are not available in the first place, you will not find them when a late night craving hits.
11 April 2007
atkins diet
The diet of Dr.Atkins is founded on a assumption of cause behind why we develop extra fat. In this theory proposed by Dr. Atkins, consuming too much simple carbohydrates and sugars results is gaining weight. The manner in which our bodies process the simple carbohydrates that are a part of our regular diet is much more important then the calories consumed during the day.
(2 marks)