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26 July 2006

some Excerpt from WMM-WingMakers造翼者衝浪部落-新浪部落

SOURCE REALITY First Source exists in Source Reality. Source Reality is the dimension of consciousness that is always pushing the envelope of expansion—the leading edge of development and evolution for the whole of consciousness. In this realm of dynamic expansion is always found Source Reality. It can be likened to the inner sanctum of First Source or the incubator of cosmological expansion. There is no identity as a place in time because it is outside of time and non-time. It is the seam between the two, perfectly invisible and yet absolutely real.



記住三個M - OSHO-WingMakers造翼者衝浪部落-新浪部落

記住三個M,就如你記住三個R,第一個M是數學(mathematics)數學是最純粹的科學,第二個M是音樂 (music),音樂是純粹的藝術,第三個M是靜心(meditation),靜心是純粹的宗教,在這三者會合的地方,我們就達到了三位一體。

Patience is the greatest spiritual quality-WingMakers造翼者衝浪部落-新浪部落

Patience is the greatest spiritual quality 引自 "Those who are in search will need infinite patience. Patience is the greatest spiritual quality; if you have patience nothing else is needed. Patience is enough, enough unto itself. Patience means trust -- and without any hurry, without any impatience. Impatience simply shows that you are not trustful. Impatience simply shows that you want to impose yourself upon the will of existence, that you want it 'right now'."

翻譯by psiage - James Q&A: Belief systems and neo-sciences-WingMakers造翼者衝浪部落-新浪部落

James的答覆: Dear Neosho, 謝謝你的真誠的探究。你的問題可以被完全地理解和領會。 在我的答覆裡我將會盡我所能地讓它清楚。 是的,科學,到某種程度,是人類的探索者們之信念系統的一種out-picturing(向外的描述)。我說的探索者們指的是科學家們。因為科學是一種學術的制度,所以它常會鑽入學術文化的洞穴裡,這使得它較不具彈性和有機(less flexible and organic)。作為一種制度,科學也會去保護它的歷史上的立場或基礎。

Deepak Chopra -Q&A - Nervous System-WingMakers造翼者衝浪部落-新浪部落

Answer: I see the nervous system as the intermediary system between the non-local quantum realm and the physical translation of consciousness into the physical structures of the body. Some leading research in the field of consciousness indicates that the microtubule structure of nerve cells are responsive to quantum effects.

some words from the Lyricus FAQs-WingMakers造翼者衝浪部落-新浪部落

"The efforts of one “ripple” can touch the “shoreline” of a distant spacetime. These are the mysterious ways of the individuated consciousness whose energetics are far ranging and can reach into the future in ways that may be unaccountable, but nonetheless powerful and catalytic.


Human Instrument〈人類儀具〉 〝人類儀具〞是由三個主要的部份所構成:生物性的〈The biological〉〈物質的身體〉、情感性的〈the emotional〉、以及心理的〈the mental〉。這三種不同的感知工具,聚集起來,代表了當〝個別化了的精神體〞(the individuated spirit)與時間、空間、能量、物質〈matter〉之物質性的次元交互作用時〈所用〉的工具。 Entity〈存有〉 包含了

25 July 2006

是否會再有「世界大戰」的討論 - 關於 James的911事件文章-WingMakers造翼者衝浪部落-新浪部落

是否會再有「世界大戰」的討論 - 關於 James的911事件文章 以下記錄 0607012 - 是否會再有「世界大戰」的討論 - 關於 James的911事件文章 訪客留言如下:

WingMakers Chinese - Neosho's inspiring by WMM-Related: Lyricus.org网站,〝ABOUT〞栏里的〝引言〞

Lyricus.org网站,〝ABOUT〞栏里的〝引言〞(INTRODUCTION): 引言 ( INTRODUCTION ) 这个网站是被设计要去,在我们的行星上首次地,正式引介Lyricus教导团。它的内容将会提供一种Lyricus的详细背景,它的目的,结构,以及它对于行星的和族类的进化之确定方向的作用(its orientation to planetary and species evolution)。

24 July 2006

造翼者的天空 - Wingmakers Skyutopia: Abreviations Used by Forum Members by starduster

Abreviations Used by Forum Members After one becomes familiar with the Unique Language of the Wing Maker's Materials...we tend to use the following abrievated acronyms in the fourm discussions...and you may become confused by them, so I have listed the ones used most frequently here...

造翼者的天空 - Wingmakers Skyutopia: The Art of the Genuine: A Spiritual Imperative

NEW LYRICUS PAPER James, the creator of the WingMakers' Materials, has just released a new paper entitled, The Art of the Genuine: A Spiritual Imperative. You can download it for free in two different Adobe PDF formats, depending on your preference. The paper describes a specific technique of the Lyricus Teaching Order on how one can access their higher intelligence and express it through their emotional self-mastery.

WingMakers Chinese - Neosho's inspiring by WMM-Related: 第三篇訪談(2) - DNA與"沒有形式的意識" - Neruda訪談

摘录自第三篇访谈--- 译注:访谈中女记者的名字Sarah是虚构的,她不是真实生活中替James工作,写揭露信的那个Sarah。访谈是WingMakers资料中,小说内容之另一种形式的延伸。Dr. Neruda是小说中从,美国国家安全局底下,一个负责外星科技的取得之极机密组织ACIO,叛离出来的科学家。 第三篇访谈(2)

WingMakers Chinese - Neosho's inspiring by WMM-Related: Ego - The False Center - OSHO

The first thing to be understood is what ego is. A child is born. A child is born without any knowledge, any consciousness of his own self. And when a child is born the first thing he becomes aware of is not himself; the first thing he becomes aware of is the other. It is natural, because the eyes open outwards, the hands touch others, the ears listen to others, the tongue tastes food and the nose smells the outside. All these senses open outwards.

WingMakers Chinese - Neosho's inspiring by WMM-Related: NEW VIDEO ANIMATION OF ANCIENT ARROW SITE

A new video animation has been produced that depicts the WingMakers’ Ancient Arrow Site in the Chaco Canyon area of New Mexico. The video is a computer animation based on the Ancient Arrow Site’s design and layout as depicted in the Ancient Arrow Project book.

WingMakers Chinese - Neosho's inspiring by WMM-Related: some words from the Lyricus FAQs

"The efforts of one “ripple” can touch the “shoreline” of a distant spacetime. These are the mysterious ways of the individuated consciousness whose energetics are far ranging and can reach into the future in ways that may be unaccountable, but nonetheless powerful and catalytic.

23 July 2006

WingMakers Chinese - Neosho's inspiring by WMM-Related: James Q&A : about shape of prism do one choose to be

James Q&A : about shape of prism do one choose to be Question 38 – Why do some individuals become unattached to spiritual organizations? I feel like I should be part of a church or religious institution and establish my true place, but there’s a part of me that feels my existential approach is necessary for my growth.

WingMakers Chinese - Neosho's inspiring by WMM-Related: 怎么会知道有这个东西呢? 哈..其实是正在找关于使用Blog的资料, 找啊找的,找到这个网页: [] 很好玩,音乐也很好听。

WingMakers Chinese - Neosho's inspiring by WMM-Related: 关于本网志中资料的引用

关于本网志中资料的引用 在本网志中,引用资料的原则与方式是,尽量留下原出处

WingMakers Chinese - Neosho's inspiring by WMM-Related: WingMakers 中译资料

WingMakers 中译资料 〝人类仪具″,在某些案例里,正在经历改变,这些改变有时候可以被强烈地体验到,有时候则要很仔细才能体验到这些改变的微妙。然而,那些更深刻的改变是与 〝人类仪具″的基本结构有关的,而并不必然会显露成为肉体的不适或情绪的沮丧。 许多肉体上的不适和情绪上的骚乱常被归因于各种无关的起因--这些起因与〝人类仪具″的基本进化没有关联。

WingMakers Chinese - Neosho's inspiring by WMM-Related

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