25 July 2006 13:00
是否會再有「世界大戰」的討論 - 關於 James的911事件文章-WingMakers造翼者衝浪部落-新浪部落
是否會再有「世界大戰」的討論 - 關於 James的911事件文章
以下記錄 0607012 - 是否會再有「世界大戰」的討論 - 關於 James的911事件文章
24 July 2006 11:00
造翼者的天空 - Wingmakers Skyutopia: Abreviations Used by Forum Members by starduster
Abreviations Used by Forum Members
After one becomes familiar with the Unique Language of
the Wing Maker's Materials...we tend to use the following abrievated acronyms in
the fourm discussions...and you may become confused by them, so I have listed
the ones used most frequently here...
造翼者的天空 - Wingmakers Skyutopia: The Art of the Genuine: A Spiritual Imperative
NEW LYRICUS PAPER James, the creator of the WingMakers' Materials, has just released a new paper entitled, The Art of the Genuine: A Spiritual Imperative. You can download it for free in two different Adobe PDF formats, depending on your preference. The paper describes a specific technique of the Lyricus Teaching Order on how one can access their higher intelligence and express it through their emotional self-mastery.
(3 marks)