public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from nhoizey with tag bdd


Why does Quora use MySQL rather than NoSQLs?

"The primary online data store for an application is the worst place to take a risk with new technology. If you lose your database or there's corruption, it's a disaster that could be impossible to recover from."

2008 Project details for dbkiss

dbkiss is a one-file database browser that is easy to upload and use. It supports MySQL and PostgreSQL and features import/export of data, searching of the whole database or single tables, an advanced SQL editor, saving of templates, multi-query execution with pagination, and more

D2R Server – Publishing Relational Databases on the Semantic Web

D2R Server is a tool for publishing relational databases on the Semantic Web. It enables RDF and HTML browsers to navigate the content of the database, and allows applications to query the database using the SPARQL query language.


Database parallelism choices greatly impact scalability - The Database Column

by 1 other
Large databases require the use of parallel computing resources to get good performance. There are several fundamentally different parallel architectures in use today

Version 9919 - SPIP - Trac

Renommage de toutes les fonctions spip_abstract_ en sql_, c'est plus court et plus parlant puisqu'il s'agit des fonctions d'interfaces avec un serveur SQL.

The What, Why, and How of Master Data Management

This paper covers the reasons for adopting master-data management, the process of developing a solution, and several options for the technological implementation of the solution.

Dabble DB: Explore Dabble

This whirlwind demo won Dabble DB Best in Show at Under the Radar: Why Web 2.0 Matters.


01net. - SGBDR libres : prêts pour les projets critiques

Les entreprises adoptent les systèmes de gestion de base de données relationnels libres et y hébergent des données d'applications métier critiques.

Azzurri Clay - Database Modeling in Eclipse

by 2 others
Clay is a database design tool that runs as a plug-in in the Eclipse ( development environment. Clay has an intuitive user interface for graphically designing database models. Clay can also create a database model by reverse engineering an existing database. Furthermore, Clay generates the SQL (DDL) code appropriate for your database.

X-Hive Corporation - Products - The fastest and most scalable XML database powered by open standards

X-Hive/DB is a powerful native XML database designed for software developers who require advanced XML data processing and storage functionality within their applications. The comprehensive X-Hive/DB Java API contains methods for storing, querying, retrieving, transforming and publishing XML data.

eXist : Une base de données XML interrogeable avec XPath et XQuery

by 1 other
eXist peut non seulement s'intégrer très facilement dans une application Java (via une servlet - XQueryServlet -, un composant Cocoon - XQueryGenerator - , ou l'utilisation de l'API XML:DB), mais elle peut également être utilisée dans de nombreux autres langages grâce à ses API REST et XML-RPC. Il existe d'ailleurs des API Pyhon et PHP

Open Source Native XML Database

by 2 others (via)
eXist is an Open Source native XML database featuring efficient, index-based XQuery processing, automatic indexing, extensions for full-text search, XUpdate support and tight integration with existing XML development tools » Blog Archive » DB-2-MDB2

by 1 other
Recently I had to move an existing project from using PEAR::DB to PEAR::MDB2 - the new database abstraction layer. I took notes on the parts of the code I needed to change, I hope they can benefit someone who's doing the same.

MaxMind - World Cities with Population

Includes city, region, country, latitude and longitude. This product doesn't contain any IP addresses. It's simply a listing of all the cities in the world


Poo-tee-weet - blog

a show case of some of the new features in MDB2. especially to demo some PHP5 specific features

Most Popular Tech Sessions, Oracle OpenWorld San Francisco 2005

Plusieurs de ces présentations proposent des pistes d'optimisation de l'utilisation d'Oracle

developerWorks : Blogs : phpblog@developerWorks

The slides give an overview of the main concepts behind SDOs, followed by a few scenarios showing how to use them to work with relational and XML data

PDO 1.0RC2 released via PECL - Evil, as in Dr.

I released the next release candidate for PDO tonight

Oracle to offer free database | CNET

Oracle intends to release a free version of its database, a reaction to the growing competitive pressure from low-end open-source databases.

Correspondance des fonctions des divers SGBDR

by 1 other (via)
L'Esperanto en SGBDR est représenté par les diverses normes SQL. Il y a cependant des différences mineures qui créent des problèmes majeurs aux développeurs sensés passer d'un SGBDR à un autre : le language de chaque SGBDR qui diffère pour écrire les objets compilés (fonctions, triggers, contraintes, procédures stockées), et les fonctions.

SQL Designer

by 22 others
DB Designer en DHTML, impressionnant !

Zend Technologies - PECL Tutorials - Introducing Service Data Objects for PHP

Service Data Objects (SDOs) have been around in the Java technology world since November 2003. They are designed as a means of simplifying and unifying working with heterogeneous data sources. In February 2005, IBM and Zend announced a strategic partnership to collaborate on the development and support of the PHP environment. One aspect of this collaboration has been the definition and implementation of SDOs for PHP. This article gives an overview of SDOs and the motivations for using them in the PHP environment. A simple contact management scenario is used to illustrate key concepts.