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PUBLIC MARKS from nhoizey with tag java


Project Zero: Home

"Delivering the best of agile Web 2.0 with PHP scripting, REST and Dojo in an integrated runtime and tooling package: IBM WebSphere sMash"

Why there is no servlets in Play

"I think that the fundamental problem is that using the servlet API is the only way you can plug with the HTTP layer of a JEE server. Perhaps the java ecosystem needs something like Rack. I mean, a real low level and portable API to deal with HTTP. Not an half assed HTTP API built on some flawed architectural principles."

Grails en quelques mots (Le Touilleur Express)

« nous, développeurs Javas, devons nous remettre en question d’urgence. En voyant des projets sur PHP ou Ruby on Rails, j’ai un peu la gueule de bois avec mon Java. Je pense que pour le développement d’applications Webs, il faut revoir notre manière de penser, notre manière de travailler »


Play! 1.0 final is out

Développer en Java comme les fans de Java reprochaient aux développeurs PHP de le faire ("fix it and hit reload", "share nothing", etc.) c'est possible ! Troll ?

La gendarmerie nationale sauve son projet Java EE en se convertissant au PHP

En 2005 la gendarmerie lance Puls@r, un projet Java EE pour remplacer l’application de gestion du service des brigades. Les aléas rencontrés ont poussé les gendarmes à se doter d’une plate-forme de développement continu pour PHP.


Naviguez dans Google Maps en inclinant votre MacBook (Pro)

Après MacSaber, netPong ou SmackBook, voici une nouvelle application amusante (et utile, ce qui ne gache rien) exploitant le capteur de mouvement des portables Apple MacBook

Sortie de la JSR286 - Version 2 de l'API Portlet Java

Cette nouvelle version apporte le support des événements (une portlet peut envoyer ou recevoir des évènements), une gestion des paramètres publics pouvant être partagée entre différentes portlets (Public parameter renderer), le "resource serving"

Orchestra: Open Source BPEL / BPM Solution - Orchestra : The Open Source BPEL solution

by 1 other
Orchestra is a complete solution to handle long-running business processes orchestration. It is based on the OASIS standard BPEL (Business Process Execution Language). It includes a powerful BPEL Engine and all the related graphical tools to design, admin

BONITA: Open Source Workflow / BPM Solution - XPDL Open Source Workflow

by 1 other
Bonita is a workflow open source solution for handing long-running, user-oriented processes providing out of the box workflow and BPM functionalities to handle your business processes. flickredit

by 2 others
FlickrEdit is a Java Desktop application that allows you to display and edit your photos in a variety of ways. It also allows you to download/backup or upload your photos to and from Flickr

Sweet Home 3D

Sweet Home 3D is a free interior design application that helps you placing your furniture on a house 2D plan, with a 3D preview.


Xebia Web Framework Contest par J2EE, Agilité et SOA : Le blog de Xebia France

4 équipes ont développé la même application web, chacune avec un framework (très) différent. Les frameworks retenus étaient : Struts2, Google Web ToolKit (GWT), Wicket, My Faces (JSF).

NTLM - Central Authentication Service - JA-SIG Wiki

SAMBA has a Java JAR that performs the NTLM challenge dialog from a Servlet. It runs as a Servlet Filter in front of an application. If the remote user pass the challenge, the userid is stored in the Request block when the CAS Servlet begins processing

Nati Shalom's Blog: Why most large-scale Web sites are not written in Java

The application stack of these Web applications is very different from the stack that mission-critical applications in the financial world are built with.

Quercus: PHP in Java

by 2 others
Quercus is Caucho Technology's fast, open-source, 100% Java implementation of the PHP language.

PS3 Media Center X - Stream Media to Wii

PS3 Media Center X is a free multimedia server developed by Red Kawa. It allows you to stream certain types of pictures, music, videos and files from your computer to your Sony PlayStation 3. It runs on most major operating systems

GCALDaemon - Project Home

by 3 others (via)
GCALDaemon is an OS-independent Java program that offers two-way synchronization between Google Calendar and various iCalalendar compatible calendar applications. GCALDaemon is primarily designed as a calendar synchronizer but it can also be used as a Gmail notifier, Address Book importer, Gmail terminal and RSS feed converter.

Orbeon Forms User Guide - JSR-168 Portlets

Orbeon Forms also provides the Orbeon Forms Portlet, which supports the implementation of standard Java portlets that can be deployed within any portal or portlet container compatible with the Java Portlet specification. This specification is also known as JSR-168.