public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from nhoizey with tags javascript & xhtml


jQuery Flash Plugin

by 10 others
Inspired by tools like SWFObject, UFO and sIFR, but written line-by-line for jQuery — no other scripts required. Less redundancy (jQuery and sIFR both find elements by css selectors and do browser detection, sIFR and SWFObject both do Flash detection) m

ARIA: Accessible Rich Internet Applications - MDC

by 1 other
ARIA, formerly known as DHTML accessibility, is a standard being developed at W3C - World Wide Web Consortium

Litmus: Painlessly test your email and website designs

by 9 others
Litmus shows you precisely how your designs will be seen by your customers. We deliver screenshots of your web sites and email newsletters in seconds across all popular platforms.


XRAY :: for web developers

by 15 others
XRAY is a bookmarklet for Safari, Firefox, Camino or Mozilla. Use it to see the box model for any element.

53 CSS-Techniques You Couldn’t Live Without | Smashing Magazine

by 60 others, 6 comments
Over the last few years web-developers have written many articles about CSS and developed many useful techniques, which can save you a lot of time - of course, if you are able to find them in time. Below you’ll find a list of techniques we , as web-architects, really couldn’t live without. They are essential and they indeed make our life easier. Let’s take a look at 53 CSS-based techniques you should always have ready to hand if you develop web-sites.


Particletree · Dynamic Resolution Dependent Layouts

by 15 others (via)
a dynamic resolution dependent layout implementation that I think provides a strong alternative for those trying to find a balance between fluid and fixed layouts

DHTML DOM JavaScript Dynamic News Box Upscroller Wow Yeah Ahhhrrrggghhh where are the pills...

by 7 others (via)
Dynamic News Upscroller with DOM and CSS and XHTML and Accessibility and other things like that...

CSS3 Multi Column - CSScripting

by 5 others (via)
In short, the CSS3 Multi-Column Module is a functionality to flow the content of an element into multiple columns.