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PUBLIC MARKS from nhoizey with tags navigateur & taille


Designers Toolbox: Web Safe Area

De quoi connaître l'espace disponible pour un design Web en fonction des couples OS navigateur. Mais vous faites des designs fluides, hein...


WWW FAQs: What is the maximum length of a URL?

Although the specification of the HTTP protocol does not specify any maximum length, practical limits are imposed by web browser and server software.

A List Apart: Articles: Switchy McLayout: An Adaptive Layout Technique

by 7 others
Switchy McLayout lets you define the dimensions, information richness, and appearance of your content objects for set ranges of screen sizes. A news site, for example, could have one layout and appearance for wide screens, one for medium-sized screens, and another for PDAs. Images could shrink or even disappear according to the screen size, columns could come and go as needed to maintain readability, and you can achieve a more efficient use of the available space for each screen size.