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PUBLIC MARKS from nicolasd with tags parser & xml

February 2006

Web Programming » Blog Archive » Lightweight XML Parser Class in PHP

This article presets a XMLParser class which parses XML documents into arrays. It can read the XML content from different sources - string, file name or url.

September 2005 Project details for XML for SCRIPT

XML for SCRIPT is a simple, non-validating XML DOM and SAX parser written in JavaScript. It was designed to help Web application designers implement cross-platform, client-side manipulation of XML data without having to resort to proprietary platform-limiting solutions. It includes extensive documentation on both its DOM and SAX parsers as well as a host of tools, sample applications, and test suites to aid in developing applications based on its technology.


Xparse is a fully compliant* well-formed XML parser written in less than 5k of JavaScript. Please feel free to use and adapt it to your needs, but more importantly, learn XML, as its going to be very important to Information Technology in the near future.

nicolasd's TAGS related to tag parser

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