public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from parmentierf with tags extension & firefox


GoogleSharing :: A Special Kind Of Proxy

GoogleSharing is a special kind of anonymizing proxy service, designed for a very specific threat. It ultimately aims to provide a level of anonymity that will prevent Google from tracking your searches, movements, and what websites you visit. GoogleSharing is not a full proxy service designed to anonymize all your traffic, but rather something designed exclusively for your communication with Google. Our system is totally transparent, with no special "alternative" websites to visit. Your normal work flow should be exactly the same.

XUL School Tutorial - MDC

a comprehensive extension development tutorial

Pencil :: Modules pour Firefox

Pencil is a Firefox add-on to do GUI prototyping and simple sketching

Extend the Firebug Console with these 15 Extensions - Speckyboy Design Magazine

A great thing about Firebug is it gives you the option to add extra extensions and make it that even more indispensable, you can tailor it and mold it to your needs. I have listed fifteen of my favorites in this article.

FreeRecord pour Firefox

FreeRecord est une extension (add-on) pour Firefox >=3.5 et Seamonkey >=2. Elle fonctionne sur toute plate-forme, Window, Mac OS X et Linux. Elle vous permet, sur la donnée de votre identifiant et mot de passe de connexion à votre interface de gestion Free, de programmer à distance des enregistrements sur votre FreeboxHD. La totalité des chaînes auxquelles vous êtes abonné sont visibles. Cette extension est disponible sous licence Mozilla Public License et est gratuite.


WiseStamp Email Signatures that work for you!

by 5 others (via)
WiseStamp Firefox extension empowers your email signature on any webmail service (Gmail ,Yahoo Mail ,AOL, Hotmail, Google Apps…) Easily customize, Include IM & Social profiles, Automatically share your Blog posts, Quotes, News, Bookmarks and more… Enhance your personal and business email interactions Get WiseStamp Now!


Le Navicrawler est un outil d'exploration du web qui analyse le contenu et la structure des pages et des liens hypertextes pour accompagner l'utilisateur au cours de sessions de navigation. Cet outil développé principalement par Mathieu Jacomy a pour originalité de coupler un navigateur et un crawler (robot capable de naviguer et d'indexer les pages). Il s'agit d'une extension pour le navigateur Firefox qui se manifeste sous la forme d'une barre latérale supplémentaire dans l'interface du navigateur. Le Navicrawler est un logiciel libre sous license GPL 3

Mozilla Labs Jetpack | Exploring new ways to extend and personalize the Web

by 3 others (via)
Jetpack is an API for allowing you to write Firefox add-ons using the web technologies you already know.

Mozilla Handle/DOI Protocol Handler :: Firefox Add-ons

The Handle/DOI Protocol Handler allows Firefox to resolve CNRI Handle (hdl) and Digital Object Identifier (doi) URIs...


Universal Edit Button - Universal Edit Button

The Universal Edit Button is a green pencil icon wiki.png in the address bar that indicates a web page is editable.

HandyTag, l'extension indispensable pour Firefox 3 ? - Le Navigosaure

by 1 other
HandyTag fait appel à plusieurs sources afin de trouver les mot clefs les plus pertinents des marque-pages

About Fire Vox

by 2 others (via)
Fire Vox is an open source, freely available talking browser extension for the Firefox web browser. Think of it as a screen reader that is designed especially for Firefox.

XML Developer Toolbar :: Modules pour Firefox

Finally, a toolbar modeled after Chris Pederick's WebDeveloper toolbar, that allows XML Developer's use of standard tools all from your browser! Features include: -Schema Generation -DTD Generation -Schema Validation -XML -> Schema Validation -Style Manipulation -XSL Transformations on-the-fly -DOM Inspector incorporated views -Document statistics for future Semantic Web purposes -SOA Module (coming soon) -Lame scratch pad that does...nothing really useful :p

Spectator :: Firefox Add-ons

Spectator is a Firefox 3 extension that collects data about how Firefox is used. This information is used to better understand what people value in the browser.

Surf Canyon

# Improves your search on Google, Yahoo! and MSN # Quickly locates relevant information that's buried deep within the search results # Personalizes in real time: recommended search results reflect instantaneous relevancies, based on your actions

Google Docs Bar - Companion for Firefox

by 6 others (via)
gDocsBar is a sidebar extension for firefox, a perfect companion for Google® Docs.

Comment et pourquoi créer un profil Firefox différent pour le développement Web - Le Navigosaure

by 6 others (via)
Ça y est vous pouvez enfin avoir deux profils Firefox distincts pour votre surf classique et le développement Web.


OF - Tab Kit, une extension Firefox pour mieux travailler avec les onglets

Tab Kit propose également de modifier l'emplacement de vos onglets dans votre navigateur en les empilant à droite ou à gauche de la fenêtre. Outre le fait que ce positionnement se révèle très pratique à l'usage, il vous permet aussi de visualiser l'ordre d'ouverture de vos onglets en les hiérarchisant visuellement


by 4 others (via)
Instantbird is a multi-protocol Instant Messaging client. Using it, you can connect to all your different IM accounts. It uses the Mozilla rendering engine to display IMs, and the Pidgin libpurple to connect to the different networks. Instantbird is a free and open source software. So you are free to use, distribute and modify it.

Extensions/MagicPasswordGenerator - Arantius - Trac

You remember one master password. (It is not stored anywhere, don't forget it!) Then, with a (somewhat simple) cryptographic hash function, the extension combines your master password and the domain name of the site to make another unique password for that site. The password is not saved in Firefox, or anywhere else. It's secure!

Perpetual Motion

by 1 other
"FireFox Identity Selector Extension Windows CardSpace provides the ability for websites to request identity information. The support for using it is built into Internet Explorer, with Microsoft leaving the rest of the world to fill in the gaps on the other browsers and platforms".

Google Gears (BETA)

by 10 others (via)
Google Gears (BETA) is an open source browser extension that enables web applications to provide offline functionality using following JavaScript APIs