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PUBLIC MARKS from richpat1 with tags lingerie & wife

14 February 2010

What Lingerie To Buy The Wife?

I am considering buying my wife some sexy lingerie and I would appreciate a ladies opinion on what would be best to buy. Everything I look ata I like but it may be different for you ladies, please help. I will go with the majority vote. Than...

13 February 2010

04 February 2010

01 February 2010

What Kind Of Lingerie Should I Buy For My Wife For Our Anniversary?

I know that this is a simple question but our four yr. anniversary is tomorrow and I want to know; What kind of lingerie should I buy for my wife for our anniversary? I figure that she deserves something nice to wear for me, but I don’...

27 January 2010

What Lingerie Can I Buy For My Wife For The Honeymoon?

I am getting married soon and it’s an arranged marriage. Can you please tell me if it’s okay to buy lingerie for my wife and gift it to her on the day of the honeymoon? If so, what can I give her?

26 January 2010

12 January 2010

Where Do I Buy Good Lingerie For My Wife In Hyderabad Without Getting Embarassed?

I want to buy lingerie and swimwear for my wife to gift her. Where can I buy it in hyderabad without being ogled oddly by other customers and the shop keepers