public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from ryanne with tags a45 & webradio

01 September 2005 13:00

d. otted rhythmbig news -- the a45 xmaz party!

[saturday, 04 december 2004] FINALLY STH to brighten up my day!!! thanks kirk thank youuuuu THANK YOUUU (for you-know-what....hahahaa) i have the A45 x'maz party to look forward to after the exams.....yay :)enough about it...must concentrate again

01 September 2005 12:00

lunch with margaret

[thursday, 23 december 2004] HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE!!! XD XD (and don't forget the true spirit of christmas) lunch today at FCC with margaret, kirk, kris, edwin, freeman and sarah :) what a way to start my holidays!

31 August 2005 19:00

webradio 之 " 今 天 真 的 很 高 興 " ( 黃 耀 明 ) !

[thursday, 27 january 2005] Radio 71 七一電台 首播: 1月27日 (星期四) 晚上 10:00 – 11:30 大狀開金口 unplugged 嘉賓: 黃耀明 湯家驊 梁家傑!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ICQ: 288 370 896, Phone-in 熱線: 8203 0336

31 August 2005 05:00

Machiavellian + my cat at @ webradio + beautiful lady

[saturday, 11 june 2005] 我成日被人話好奸...其實個樣比較奸 ja ma...我天生係咁,有相為証: 舊相堆中,還有這幅!!!難得我隻貓上左鏡 XDDD 最後跟大家分享一下呢幅相...個靚女你話係邊個呢? XD

31 August 2005 03:00


[monday, 08 august 2005] 行政命令是什麼? 曾長官說是臨時措施,究竟如何「臨時」法?梁師長講得不清不楚,李處長又叫我們信警方不會濫用,四十五條關注組就覺得命令不可以取代法律 . . . 最好

course selection + hklj meeting + drinks + webradio

[monday, 08 august 2005] finally done! thanks to the help of bonnie (the 揀科 expert), maureen (for telling me about the stupid draft timetable which is helpful but inaccurate), eddy (for the info of UG3a), natalie (for waking me up..haha) and donna (fo