public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from sbrothier with tag animals


Elephants-A Year in a Day

Do elephants have a circadian rhythm? This visualization shows the hourly positions of five bull elephants fitted with GPS collars in Laikipia County, in central Kenya. The visualization illustrates 34,786 GPS positions, which have been compressed into a single 24-hour period to illustrate the general pattern of movement throughout the day, regardless of season or individual.

The World’s Most Amazing Animals in One App | Pages | WWF

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Experience the world’s most amazing animals in one app — together. This interactive experience brings you closer to the stories of elephants, whales, rhinos and other fascinating species. Discover their lives and the work of WWF in a way you’ve never seen before. Try out “tiger vision,” stay as still as the polar bear during a hunt, and chop the panda’s bamboo. New species stories — which you can fold and share with the world — are added regularly.


Men and pigs, united by a game. | AMUSEMENT.NET

A new game, Pig Chase, will soon let you have a play date with a pig. Following a European legislation, farmers have to provide pigs with entertainment to prevent them from being bored or violent. A team from the Utrecht School of the Arts and Wageningen University came up with a solution: a tablet game where humans and pigs play together towards the same objective. The human controls a ball of light on his touchscreen. The pig has to do the same thing with his snout on the screen of his pen. If they succeed to bring the ball to the goal an explosion of lights bring joy and happiness to the pigpen. And a great satisfaction for the human: he’s going to eat a peaceful meat.



This figurative alphabet appears in a late 14th century pattern book for illustrators. It was a creation of the architect Giovannino de'Grassi. Click on the images below for larger pictures.


Masks Design for Sea Animals : un album sur Flickr

Masks design for Children coming to Sydney Aquarium for annual holiday new sea creatures.


SI NMNH - Jellyfish Romance - (Carybdea sivickisi)

For most jellyfish, reproduction is not a particularly romantic affair. Typically, males release sperm into the water so that their genetic material can bump into and fertilize eggs released by female jellyfish in a similar fashion. This behavior, known as mass spawning, allows jellyfish to “mate” without the lovers even needing to meet.

Concept Typography Artwork, Animal Kingdom

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Art as Alphabetic Letterform

We have now looked at several illustrations linking a subject to its initial letter. Here we find examples of art as alphabetic letterform. In several cases, not only does the designer form letters from the figures themselves, but his figures also make their own linguistic allusions.

Giovanni de Grassi

Alphabet with animals letterforms

Twenty-Six Types of Animals by Jeremy Pettis

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Typography channeling the essence of the beast


Die Vogelvilla - Vogelhaus mit Nistkasten und Futterplatz - art form

Die Vogelvilla ist Nistkasten und Futterhaus in einem. Farbenfroh markiert sie Finken, Meisen, Spatzen & Co den Futterplatz. In handwerklicher Manufaktur entstehen ständig neue Vogelhäuser in markanten Formen und Farben.

Abysses - Exposition - Paris - Hominidés

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Du 21 novembre 2007 au 8 mai 2008, avec l'exposition ABYSSES, le Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle sera le cadre d'une première mondiale: la découverte du monde inconnu des grandes profondeurs.

Plans de nichoirs

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Hirondelles, Mésanges, Troglodytes, Sittelles, Merles bleus ou Moineaux



la hulotte : le journal le plus lu dans les terriers

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La Hulotte, c'est la revue qui vous raconte la vie des animaux sauvages, des arbres et des fleurs de France. A la fois amusant et très rigoureusement documenté, le « journal le plus lu dans les terriers » émerveille aussi bien les enfants que leurs parents. Promenez-vous dans notre site et faites connaissance avec cette mine de renseignements sur la nature. Une véritable petite encyclopédie des bois et des champs, introuvable en kiosque ou en librairie.

Target Pets

Find a style fit for your furry friend. | The Glamour Collection : Get a leg up on the latest looks, from Beagles to Bichons...

Hanneton de la Saint Jean Amphimallon solstitialis

Contrairement au hanneton commun dont les adultes apparaissent en mai, le hanneton de la Saint Jean apparait au mois de juin (période du solstice, jour de la Saint Jean expliquant ses noms scientifique et usuel).

La taupe

Adorable petite bête au museau pointu, elle peut devenir le cauchemar des jardiniers… Animal protégé en Allemagne tant il a été chassé pour sa fourrure (quelle idée !!)

La guerre des taupes - The moleblaster

Nos services secrets ont longuement cherché sur Internet et dans les jardineries ; et ils ont fini par trouver. L’arme fatale existe. Elle s’appelle ERADIC LE DETAUPEUR !

sbrothier's TAGS related to tag animals

activités +   art +   brico +   design +   enfants +   environment +   euvs +   euvs-content +   euvs-features +   event +   fashion +   flickr +   games +   humor +   illustration +   ipad +   Jardinage +   kids +   lang:fr +   location:paris +   magazine +   maps +   museum +   écologie +   pattern +   photography +   photos +   sounds +   toys +   typography +   water +   +