January 2016
Visual Design - Apple TV Human Interface Guidelines - Apple Developer
Apple TV apps are fully immersive apps with unique design and user experience considerations. These principles help you design an app that reflects your brand and intentions while making a personal connection with people.
tvOS (Apple TV) UI Kit Sketch freebie - Download free resource for Sketch - Sketch App Sources
A free UI Kit / starter kit for tvOS design following Apple's Human Interface Guidelines.
You'll need San Fransisco, Apple's font of choice for everything on the Apple TV:
Prototyping and exploring custom interactions for the Apple TV — Design + Sketch App — Medium
Considerations and thoughts on designing for the 10-foot UI experience
May 2014
4 Myths About Apple Design, From An Ex-Apple Designer | Co.Design | business + design
Apple is synonymous with upper echelon design, but very little is known about the company's design process. Most of Apple’s own employees aren’t allowed inside Apple’s fabled design studios. So we’re left piecing together interviews, or outright speculating about how Apple does it and what it’s really like to be a designer at the company.
(4 marks)