public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from sbrothier with tag contest


Welcome to the World Press Photo Contest Archive

For over fifty years the World Press Photo contest has captured images of our times. Our archive of winning photos is not only a record of more than half a century of human history, but a showcase of successive styles in photography and reportage. The archive gallery comprises some 10,000 images. It includes photos that have become icons, by some of the leading names in the profession. World Press Photo has put them online with the aim of sharing our knowledge, resources and experience with the widest possible network. This site was made possible with the support of the Mondriaan Foundation and VSB Foundation.


Archives & Museum Informatics: Museums and the Web 2008: Best of the Web Nominations

Recognizing achievement in heritage Web site design, a committee of museum professionals selects the Best of the Web each year.

Spread Firefox 3 | Download Day 2008

by 4 others
Le Download Day est arrivé ! Contribuez à un record du monde Guinness. Profitez d'un Web meilleur

FITC 2008 :: People's Choice Awards Voting :: We're a GO!

by 2 others
Here are the finalists in the 2008 FITC Design & Technology Awards. The 'Peoples Choice Award' is picked by you, the people. Please select the ONE site that you think is the best out of all of them. Submit button is all the way at the bottom, in case you're looking for it.

CommandShift3 - About Us

On CommandShift3, you are presented with the screenshots of two websites side by side. If you click the screenshot of the site you think looks best, the page reloads and you start all over again. It never ends. So far there have been 657336 clicks. The energy it took to click 657336 times raised the earth's temperature by .0000000000000000096039351 degrees, contributing to the melting of the polar ice caps. Way to go, asshole.


Farfar | Diesel | Heidies

by 1 other (via)
Six video cameras, 24 hours a day, live for 5 straight days on Two gorgeous and crazy girls stole the new Diesel Intimate collection, kidnapped a nice guy, locked themselves (and him) in a hotel room.

Bix: Lip-Sync, Karaoke, Photography, Comedy, Dance, A cappella, Writing, Beauty, and more

As Shakespeare himself once lip-synced, "All the world's a karaoke stage" (wait, maybe that was Bix user ShakyG from New Jersey?). Either way, the point is, the Web has now opened up a crazy new world of possibilities. Which is perfect for budding superstars like you, who are just waiting to strut your stuff. And Bix is center stage to all the fun. In a nutshell Bix lets you create, enter, and judge online contests.

Dailymotion - Courts Devant la cinquième dimension

Cette année, la cinquième dimension du festival courtsdevant se déroule sur Dailymotion. Choisissez le meilleur motion qui gràce à vos votes sera projeté dans nos salles.

Le : L'univers fascinant et déroutant des fictions interactives

by 3 others
L'un des grands gagnants de cette 6e édition est sans conteste l'étonnant Thanatorama (prix art-graphisme et grand prix 2007), réalisé par les créatifs de la société Upian spécialisée dans les conseils en communication interactive et en création de contenus numériques artistiques. Cette aventure "dont vous êtes le héros mort" est un voyage ô combien morbide mais non dénué d'humour noir dans les coulisses de la mort.

01net. - Création numérique : palmarès du Web Flash Festival

by 3 others

Le grand gagnant de cette sixième édition est sans conteste la société de production Le web-documentaire Thanatorama ( remporte le trophée de la catégorie Art Graphisme ainsi que le Grand Prix du jury. Le site primé entraîne le visiteur dans une plongée réaliste, photos et commentaires à l'appui, dans un au-delà terrestre - que se passera-t-il pour vous après votre mort, depuis le jour J jusqu'au cimetière. Faute de média ou d'éditeur intéressé par cette recherche journalistique, le Web a accueilli avec succès le projet.

The Flash Blog » AS3 Sound Spectrum Contest Results!!

by 1 other (via)
There were so many great entries in this contest and deciding on a winner was hard! After much deliberation and help from the great group of mods at the GTAL forums, I’m officially declaring the winner to be trioptic with his fullscreen masterpeice! It has such a cool feel to it and is kind of like watching a painting melt. I love the soundtrack too! Trioptic will be receiving a 6-month Premium subscription to the Online Training Library.

Concours Web 2.0 | Ségosphère

Vous êtes développeur ; Vous avez envie d’innover dans le Web 2.0 participatif et libre ; Alors participez au concours Ségosphère en créant un module participatif innovant ou en réalisant les projets en cours. Vous pouvez participer seul ou en équipe.


Webby Awards | 2006 webby nominees

by 3 others
10th Annual Webby Awards Nominees & Winners

Pop-Sci Core77 Design Challenge

Core77 has joined forces with Popular Science, the world's largest science magazine, to periodically challenge industrial designers to incorporate cutting-edge technology and science into design solutions that address everyday problems and spot emerging opportunities. Each challenge will have a single theme, a brief, a deadline, and a chance for winners to have their designs published in Popular Science magazine and on the and Core77 Websites. In addition, there is a $500 prize or technology prize of similar value (at minimum).

Western Wind Energy Viral Video Contest : Oil sucks, Wind blows !

We all know that oil sucks, and everybody knows that the wind blows. Show us what "Wind Blows" means to you and you can win 10 large!

Lumix Awards - Judging the best in digital photography

June - November 2006, Same sights, different views

La création sur Internet

Que serait un site Web sans design ? Une bannière sans créativité ? Internet a développé sa culture et ses codes en matière de création graphique. La maturité venant, il s'ouvre aux influences extérieures... | Best Young European Team

Best YET est l'occasion pour les jeunes talents de s'illustrer pour la première fois sur la scène internationale.