14 April 2015 15:45
This Surveillance Documentary Creeps You Out With How Much It Knows About You | Motherboard
by 2 othersHow do you make mass surveillance relevant to the average person? Well, you could make the issue all about dick pics, like John Oliver did last week. Do Not Track, a new documentary web series premiering online today, is taking a less carnal approach: the site scoops up your data and uses it to give every episode a terrifyingly personal touch.
14 April 2015 15:15
Do not Track: an online, interactive documentary about who’s watching you | World news | The Guardian
by 2 others“I know right now that this is the country you live in,” says a seemingly omnipotent narrator as an image of the Queen flashes up on my screen. “I know that it is a nice morning. I know that you’re on a Mac.”
(2 marks)