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PUBLIC MARKS from sbrothier with tags search & "search engine"


This is what comes after search - Quartz

Search is, in essence, a command-line interface for the web. Command-line interfaces are what came before the “graphical user interface” popularized by the Macintosh and Microsoft Windows, and they’re popular among the engineers who actually build the web. So it’s no surprise that the world’s first universal interface for the web was, after all, simply a box into which you type some text, and can even append operators like “” or “filetype:pdf.”


How Search Works - The Story – Inside Search – Google

by 2 others
Search. It happens billions of times a day in the blink of an eye. Explore the art and science that makes it possible.


Topsy - Instant social insight

by 6 others
Make better decisions. Analyze billions of conversations in realtime.


Multicolr Search Lab - Idée Inc.

by 4 others
We extracted the colours from 10 million of the most “interesting” Creative Commons images on Flickr. Using our visual similarity technology you can navigate the collection by colour.


Google lance une application Voix-Recherche pour l’iPhone

La reconnaissance vocale reste le Graal de la Technologie et Google se lance à sa conquête. A partir d’aujourd’hui, les utilisateurs d’iPhone peuvent télécharger une application qui leur permet de poser une question et de recevoir en quelques secondes une réponse. L’application fonctionne en enregistrant votre voix puis la question remonte jusqu’aux serveurs de Google, les données sont analysées et les résultats sont renvoyés. Ces résultats ne sont pas encore parfaits mais l’application est en phase d’apprentissage et intègre les techniques de recherches progressivement; d’ici peu tout pourrait être quasi parfait. La vidéo:

compfight / a flickr™ search tool

by 7 others
Tags vs Text. Tags are keywords. If your "tags only" results are weak use less words or use "all text" to rummage through titles and descriptions. Tab Me Turn your popups on. Safari users can hold the "command" key when clicking thumbnails to invoke tabbing. Tabbing is tight. Blue Bars Bars indicate flickr™ is holding an original. Lingering your cursor over a bar will display the pixel dimensions. Creative Commons Checking this box restricts your search to the Creative Commons library. Use the "commercial" setting to hunt for commercially usable assets. Seek Original If you want nothing but blue bars change the Seek Original switch to "only." Turn the feature completely off when you intend to wander around flickr™. Safe Search Do not disable the Safe Search unless you're of legal age, in a legal country, promise not to tell your mom, etc. About Fashioned by Ryan & Bryan with glue sticks and rubber bands. They love advertising. Direct only good things to: [email protected]. Legal Compfight is not affiliated with flickr™ but makes good use of the flickr™ API. Always double check your CC license(s) before use. Please respect the rights of all content creators. Godspeed. © 2008 Compfight


sbrothier's TAGS related to tag search

bank +   color +   flag +   flickr +   google +   graphic resource +   humor +   interface +   iphone +   light +   navigation system +   photos +   privacy +   scroll +   search engine +   synthese vocale +   tags +   tools +   twitter +   visual search +   web services +   +