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PUBLIC MARKS from sbrothier with tag tips


12 Tips for Better Biscuit Joining - Woodworking Shop - American Woodworker

Decorative corner splines sure make an ordinary box look great. But they can be a bit dicey to cut on a tablesaw. Let your plate joiner come to the rescue. A simple jig holds the box and the joiner so you can cut slots quickly with minimal setup hassles.


Le Vinaigre blanc...Voici comment ce pro du bâtiment l'utilise

J’utilise aussi le vinaigre pour effacer les traces de laitances de chaux sur les pierres, les carrelages, le bois, etc… C’est bien préférable à l’acide chlorhydrique. 

50 Life Hacks to Simplify your World «TwistedSifter

Life hacks are little ways to make our lives easier. These low-budget tips and trick can help you organize and de-clutter space; prolong and preserve your products; or teach you something (e.g., tie a full Windsor) that you simply did not know before. Most of these came from a great post on tumblr. There is also a great subreddit ‘r/lifehacks‘ with some fantastic tips as well.


Productive Web Design With… Adobe Illustrator? - Smashing Magazine

by 1 other
Admittedly, Adobe Illustrator is often most certainly not the first choice that comes to mind when it comes to Web design. Fireworks and Photoshop are used much more often, and there are some good reasons for that. Still, although Illustrator has traditionally been used for drawing illustrations and logos, you can use it to design layouts and user interfaces, too. In fact, in my opinion, you can utilize Illustrator to solve some regular design tasks better and more easily than you would do with other tools. With the techniques and tips I’d like to present in this article, I am certain that you will be able to build modular, flexible websites in less time and with less work.

Useful Tips & Ideas for Fluid App

The best thing about Fluid in my opinion, is the ability to let you add another app using the Browsa plugin so that both the main web app and the “browsa plugin app” runs side by side.


FASTEN SEAT BELTS 2 - Travel by Continent - Asia

Fasten Seat Belts, a light hearted guide to avoid misunderstanding while travelling. An innovative way to learn languages and pick up cultural tips.

Film Threat - 10 Tips To Successfully Crowdfund Your Movie

Normally at this time we’ve got a new Certified Film Threat in Progress for you to check out, but since we’ve now covered quite a few successful projects, and a few looking-to-be-not-so-successful projects, I figured it was time to share ten things that I’ve learned about successfully crowdfunding your film.


Lessons Learned Shooting with the Canon 5D Mark II :: digitalartwork – Multimedia Journalism

For the Michael Jackson Memorial piece I worked on, we decided before I left for L.A. that we would use the Canon 5D Mark II to try and push the look of the piece, and to try something new. The first thing I did, is call up a freelancer, Patrick Burke, to run sound. Patrick used to be an AC (Assistant Camera) in L.A. so he came with all the right tools, including a film slate that we used to sync audio from a Marantz PMD660 to the video footage of the 5D.

Slow Photoshop? A solution. | Hoefler & Frere-Jones

Intermittently, Photoshop will start taking EXTRAORDINARY amounts of time to open files, regardless of their size. This problem has persisted from CS2 to CS3, and from a PowerPC to an Intel Mac. The problem is intermittent, seeming to go in long cycles (a few months at a clip), but when it strikes, a 2k file -- or a 100mb one, curiously -- will take upwards of two minutes to open. Also curiously, an open file can be saved and saved again without any performance hit. But saving a new file creates the lag as well, especially loathsome if you're using "Save for Web" a lot.

help/fr/problems – Cyberduck

Des caractères spéciaux comme les trémas ne s'affichent pas correctement dans le navigateur. ¶ Essayez de changer l'encodage de caractères utilisé. Voyez “Présentation” > “Encodage”. Essayez UTF-8 (par défaut), ISO-8859-1 et Windows-1252.


Fiches pratiques Association Dokusan

by 1 other
Si rien ne s'oppose à l'utilisation d'une ceinture étroite pour commencer l'étude de la voie du sabre, le iaidoka préfère généralement revêtir un obi ( 帯) large lorsqu'il s'implique dans la pratique. En effet, outre des qualités fonctionnelle et esthétique, la ceinture large est emblématique de l'élégant vêtement coutumier japonais (kimono). Le raffinement ne se limite pas au choix de tel ou tel type de ceinture mais aussi à la manière plus ou moins complexe de la nouer. Voici un échantillon de noeuds pour homme destinés à fermer un kimono traditionnel.

How to Fold Your Hakama

Keeping your Kendo gear in good order is important to all Kendoka. The Hakama need to be folded after each use, else they become wrinkled and the pleats will slowly be lost. It is essential that you maintain the pleats in your Hakama, as each pleat represents one of the virtues all kendoka strive to demonstrate. Loosing a pleat is the same as saying you no longer care about the virtue it represents!! With a little bit of practice, the entire folding process should take no more than a few minutes.

15 (other) Uses for Vodka - Drink of the Week

These are real uses for Vodka in Russia. I originally posted this last year after a friend sent it to me. Some how I managed to delete it while updating the photo. Never drink and code, I guess. So back by popular demand…


by 2 others
Canon EOS Numerique est un site et un forum de discussions sur la photo numérique dédié aux appareils Canon EOS numeriques. Le site a reçu l'approbation de Canon Belgique, France

Twelve Essential Photographic Rules - - PopPhotoSeptember 2007

From Sunny 16 to Moony 11, 8, and 5.6, these facts, formulas, and photographic rules can get you out of a jam and help you get good shots when nothing else will.


Quelques petits conseils - André dit LeDed ... Mes mots ... Mes maux ... Mémo.

Ruben à décidé de se lancer dans le rasage au coupe chou en me demandant quelques conseils, et c'est avec un réel plaisir que je vais essayer de le faire. Autant en faire profiter tout ceux que ça intéresse!

The best Photoshop resources of the month

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The list can never end when it comes to Photoshop resources. So many examples and tutorials, downloads and places to learn new stuff, tips and tricks and so on. Things that you knew or you thought so until someone showed another angle or solution. We searched for the best Photoshop resources of the month and this is the list that we saved to challenge your knowledge, test your skills or make you smile.


quake 4 tricks-moves: straf-circle-rocket-jump-etc.. [tuto] - Tips & Dépannage - Jeux Video - FORUM

by 1 other, 2 comments
Il existe dans la série des quake des façons de se deplacer qui ne sont pas répertoriées dans le manuel, et qui pourtant font de quake ce qu'il est, c'est à dire un FAST-FPS.

VideoJug - Life Explained. On Film.

by 23 others
VideoJug is every aspect of life explained and illustrated through an ever-growing number of common sense, informative, helpful and entertaining videos. It’s like having an army of top-class experts at your fingertips 24/7 to “show you how” and to help you out. And you can contribute your own knowledge, experience, wisdom and tips too, as we’re aiming to create a place that people come to share - as well as find - knowledge.

Téléchargez les vidéos Google au format avi

by 4 others, 6 comments
Une astuce provenant de Google Operating System nous apprend qu’il est possible de télécharger les vidéos présentes sur la plateforme de Google non plus au format GVI mais au format AVI.

sbrothier's TAGS related to tag tips

adobe +   bank +   beauty +   brico +   brushes +   canon +   cinema +   diy +   documentaire +   drink +   enfants +   euvs +   euvs-content +   film +   flickr +   games +   gmail +   google +   graphic resource +   hardware +   illustrator +   kids +   lang:fr +   light +   mac +   martial arts +   music +   photography +   photos +   photoshop +   plugin +   print +   shaving +   software +   t-shirts +   tools +   video +   voyages +   webdesign +   webdocumentaire +   +