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PUBLIC MARKS from sbrothier with tag gmail


Gmail and Google Calendar Mashup using Fluid (Mac) |

The other day, I realized I had a conflict in my schedule. Granted, that conflict was in late August. But given that it involved two separate work projects, it was a little embarrassing to have to try to reschedule one of the projects.

Useful Tips & Ideas for Fluid App

The best thing about Fluid in my opinion, is the ability to let you add another app using the Browsa plugin so that both the main web app and the “browsa plugin app” runs side by side.

How to access Gmail’s new iPad interface on your Mac « Blog « Peter Upfold

I put together a short screencast on how to access Gmail’s new iPad interface on your Mac. If you’re a fan of Gmail’s web interface on the iPad and would like to use it on your desktop computer too, this is a cool trick.

Sparrow — The new mail for Mac

by 3 others
Sparrow is a minimalist mail application designed to keep things simple and efficient. No fancy stuff here… just your email and nothing else.

How to use the iPad Gmail UI on Mac with Fluid - Matthew Lowery

Some of you may love the UI of Gmail for iPad. Unfortunately not all of us have iPads, but now we can settle for the second best thing: imitation!

Mailplane - the best way to use Gmail on the Mac

by 12 others
Love Gmail? Mailplane makes Gmail even better. Watch the two minute Mailplane video. Save time and send attachments from anywhere. Save time and send optimized attachments from anywhere. Easily switch between different Gmail accounts Easily switch between different Gmail accounts Get notifications and never miss an important message Get notifications and never miss an important message Link Gmail conversations with Mac documents Link Gmail conversations with Mac documents Personalize your messages with formatted signatures Personalize your messages with formatted signatures Make Mailplane your default Mail client Make Mailplane your default email client Compare Mailplane vs. Gmail in a web browser.

DeHamerspace » The Ultimate Gmail Browser

I’ve talked before about site-specific browsers (SSBs) and even mentioned that I’ve become a big fan of the Fluid SSB on the Mac. I’ve got SSBs for all sorts of applications (Google Reader, Pandora, etc.) but the one that I spend the most time in is my Gmail SSB. I decided to devote some time this week to digging through the various features of Fluid to see just what was possible. What I ended-up with is a Gmail client that is a huge improvement over the standard (and, arguably, already pretty good) Gmail experience. The sections below will take you through the various steps I used to create the Ultimate Gmail Browser.

Helvetimail - josef richter

Maintaining Helvetimail is not easy, because Google's CSS is a mess and keeps changing. It demands more time than I am able to regularly devote. I've never meant to make Helvetimal a paid upgrade. But now I would like to kindly ask you for even a tiny donation, so that I can spend a few more hours/days on Helvetimal, fix what's still unfixed, maybe prepare an iPad version, etc. Please note this is not to make me rich, but just to cover at least a part of the time cost needed to maintain Helvetimal. The economic downturn makes me do more work for less money, so spare time for hobbies like Helvetimail is scarce. Thank you very much!


ThinkGeek :: eStarling Wi-Fi Gmail / Flickr Enabled LCD Frame

Looking for the ultimate cool photo gadget? Then take heart young geek or geekette. ThinkGeek has the new and completely unique eStarling Wi-Fi Photo Frame ready for your hot little geek paws. "Wi-Fi Picture Frame?" you respond quizzically with great anticipation... The eStarling frame is a standalone Wi-Fi LCD photo frame that connects to a wireless network and automatically displays photos e-mailed to it in a slideshow format. Additionally you can specify an RSS photo feed from Flickr based on your own tagged keywords. You can even shoot photos on your mobile phone then e-mail them directly to your eStarling frame for display.


Gmail Hard Drive

by 1 other
add files to your Gmail HardDrive

Gmail: Shortcuts

by 3 others
Keyboard shortcuts save you time by letting you explore Gmail quickly -- you never have to take your hands off the keyboard to use the mouse. To turn these case-sensitive shortcuts on or off, click 'Settings,' and then pick an option next to 'Keyboard shortcuts.'

sbrothier's TAGS related to tag gmail

design +   flickr +   google +   hardware +   interface +   ipad +   mac +   photos +   plugin +   tips +   tools +   ui +