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PUBLIC MARKS from sbrothier with tag tracking

April 2015 web cookies report | | 1317273 provides free audit of web cookies used by a website. See how websites are tracking user activities using web cookies, obtain an easy to understand cookie usage summary and find out about compliance with new EU privacy law. No additional software installation is required.

March 2015

Human Data

by 1 other (via)
Human helps people move almost twice as much in six weeks. Every day, people track millions of activities with our app. We visualized 7.5 Million miles of activity in major cities all across the globe to get an insight into Human activity. Walking, running, cycling, and motorized transportation data tell us different stories.

February 2015

September 2014

Daily | Time tracking for professionals

by 1 other
World's most convenient time tracking companion for professionals.

Beyond Reality Face Nxt | cross platform Face Tracking SDK for HTML5/Javascript and Flash/Actionscript

by 1 other
Develop apps for the web, mobile and desktop using Actionscript or HTML5/Javascript. The trial SDK ships with examples to get you started in no time.

August 2014

Behind The Banner

by 1 other
The entire ad placement network is one of the most complex computational systems on the planet. Behind The Banner is an attempt to understand the underlying interactions that define this ecosystem, and how they impact our daily use of the web.


by 1 other
We spend hours a day online, and we see ads on every webpage we visit. But we don’t have any way of tracking the ads we’re being served — we don’t even know how many ads the average person sees in a given day.

July 2014

NSA uses Google cookies to pinpoint targets for hacking - The Washington Post

The National Security Agency is secretly piggybacking on the tools that enable Internet advertisers to track consumers, using "cookies" and location data to pinpoint targets for government hacking and to bolster surveillance.

13 ways the NSA spies on us - Vox

Over the last year, through the revelations of Ed Snowden and independent reporting by others, we've learned more and more about the National Security Agency's spying programs. Indeed, there have now been so many revelations that it can be hard to keep them straight. So here's a handy guide to the most significant ways the NSA spies on people in the United States and around the world.

Dragnet Nation: Available Now | Julia Angwin

My book, Dragnet Nation: A Quest for Privacy, Security and Freedom in a World of Relentless Surveillance is now available on, Barnes & Noble and IndieBound. Here’s the description and some review

Net Threats | Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project

Because of governance issues (and the international implications of the NSA reveals), data sharing will get geographically fragmented in challenging ways. The next few years are going to be about control. — DANAH BOYD

« Il faut passer du web du clic au web de l’attention » | Medialand

by 1 other
Tony Haile est PDG de Chartbeat, une société basée à New York et connue pour son service de mesure d'audience en temps réel : il équipe de très nombreux sites d'information dont ceux du New York Times, du Monde, de CNN, ESPN, Forbes…

June 2014

Skybox Imaging - Welcome

We empower global businesses to make better decisions with timely, high fidelity imagery and infinite analytics. Work with us in one of three ways.

A Phone That Lies for You: An Android Hack Allows Users to Put Decoy Data on a Smartphone - Scientific American

A new programming technique could bring these scenarios to life. Computer scientist Karl-Johan Karlsson has reprogrammed a phone to lie. By modifying the operating system of an Android-based smartphone, he was able to put decoy data on it—innocent numbers, for example—so that the real data escape forensics. He presented the hack in January at the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.

Beware: Your chocolate chip cookie is spying on you | MNN - Mother Nature Network

The White House may be asking food marketers to be responsible when it comes to marketing to kids, but the snack food industry still needs to keep increasing its profits. Mondelez International, the company that owns brands like Chips Ahoy and Ritz, is going about it in an intrusive and rather creepy way. This is something you need to be aware of.

Skybox Imaging - Skybox Imaging + Google

We’re thrilled to announce that Skybox Imaging has entered into an agreement to be acquired by Google! Five years ago, we began the Skybox journey to revolutionize access to information about the changes happening across the surface of the Earth. We’ve made great strides in the pursuit of that vision. We’ve built and launched the world’s smallest high­-resolution imaging satellite, which collects beautiful and useful images and video every day. We have built an incredible team and empowered them to push the state­-of­-the-­art in imaging to new heights. The time is right to join a company who can challenge us to think even bigger and bolder, and who can support us in accelerating our ambitious vision.

Meet 2011 TR35 Winner Dan Berkenstock | MIT Video

Berkenstock describes his work at EmTech 2011: Cheaper satellite pictures. Skybox Imaging Dan Berkenstock, cofounder and chief product officer of Skybox Imaging, wants to let "anyone know what's happening anywhere in the world at any time." Next year the company plans to launch the first of what it hopes will be a constellation of 12 to 24 satellites taking high-­resolution pictures of Earth. Each satellite should cost about a tenth as much as the $250 million to $500 million imaging satellites operated by companies like DigitalGlobe and GeoEye.

WiTrack: 3D Motion Tracking Through Walls Using Wireless Signals | MIT Video

Tom Buehler The NETMIT group at MIT develops a new technology that can see through walls, performing 3D motion tracking. The technology has applications in gaming, elderly monitoring, and gesture-based user interfaces.

Two-Granularity Tracking

Abstract We want to segment and track objects occluding each other in crowded scenes. We propose a tracking framework that mediates grouping cues from two levels of tracking granularities: coarse-grain detection tracklets and fine-grain point trajectories. Each tracking granularity proposes corresponding grouping cues: trajectories with similar long-term motion and disparity attract each other, detections overlapping in time repulse each other. Tracking is formulated as selection-clustering in the joint detection and trajectory space. Affinities of trajectories and detections will be contradictory in cases of false alarm detections or accidental motion similarity of trajectories. We resolve such contradictions in a steering-clustering framework where confident detections change trajectory affinities, by inducing repulsions between trajectories claimed by repulsive detection tracklets. Two-granularity tracking offers a unified representation for object segmentation and tracking independent of what objects to track, how occluded they are, whether monocular or binocular input or whether camera is moving or not.

Facebook turns user tracking 'bug' into data mining 'feature' for advertisers | ZDNet

Facebook announced changes to its privacy and advertising policies on its company blog last Thursday, extending Facebook's ability to track users outside of Facebook -- undoing previous assurances it "does not track users across the web."

The Web We Want: An Open Letter - YouTube

The Web is our largest shared resource. Let's keep it free and open for us, and for the next generation.

Twitter Isn't As Democratic As You Think | ThinkProgress

But while social media revolutionizes how the world responds to political and social events, it may be a double-edged sword. Researchers warned that the tendency to fixate on a small number of opinions encourages the proliferation of rumors, misinformation, and political polarization.

Google rompt avec les annonceurs porno — Le Tag Parfait

AdWords, la régie publicitaire de Google, existe depuis près de quinze ans. C’est elle qui glisse de petites suggestions sur la page de résultats lorsque vous louez les services de l’hégémonique moteur de recherche. Vous voulez prendre soin de votre premier bonsaï ? AdWords vous tend une poignée de sites sur lesquels vous êtes susceptibles de dépenser vos sous : des boutiques de jardinage, des bonsaïstes professionnels, et cetera. Toutes ces annonces sont sélectionnées par AdWords en fonction de votre position géographique, de votre langue, du moment de la journée et surtout des termes utilisés dans votre requête.

sbrothier's TAGS related to tag tracking

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