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PUBLIC MARKS from sbrothier with tag animation


Creating skeletal animation in Blender and exporting it to three.js. | DevMatrix

Today I’ve faced a rather difficult problem to solve. Creating model in Blender, animating it with armature and exporting the animation to THREE.js (r56) JSON format.

Design in Sketch Then Animate In Keynote — Medium

We know design is important in today’s uber tech world; but it still happens, in many teams design thinking ends up at a stand still once the deliverables are passed down the chain to marketing or development.

Framer - Prototyping Tool for Designing UI, Interaction and Animation

Framer is a new creative tool to build interaction and animation prototypes.

Ukiyo-e Heroes | Home

I first emailed Dave in 2010. My query probably sounded like a lot of comments he gets – something to the effect of, “I want your life. I want to be you. Can I come to Japan and meet you?” Surprisingly, Dave got back to me very quickly. He was courteous, despite my stalker-ish professions of hero worship. He even called me on the phone one day, and listened to my aspirations as an artist. We threw some collaborative ideas around, but nothing really materialized from that first contact.


Just-add-water CSS animations


How technology is driving the next wave of film animation - Telegraph

The spread of new animation techniques – like motion capture, which involves tracking the movement of objects and people to create more life-like characters – will also inevitably contribute to the data avalanche. Meanwhile, Lucasfilm has announced that the next generation of Star Wars films will use 48 frames a second rather than 24, signalling a new era for the film industry.

The LEGO® Movie - Animal Logic

Animal Logic teamed up with Warner bros., Village Roadshow Pictures and Lin Pictures for The LEGO® Movie, the first-ever, full-length theatrical LEGO® adventure. The film tells the story of Emmett, an ordinary LEGO minifigure, mistakenly thought to be the extraordinary Master Builder, who is recruited to join a quest to stop an evil LEGO tyrant from glueing the universe together.

Webflow - Create Website Interactions With 0 Lines of Code

Now in Webflow you can create beautiful interactions for your responsive website without writing a line of code. Learn More or Start Designing.

The Pixar Touch - history of Pixar - Blog - Pixar story rules (one version)

#4: Once upon a time there was ___. Every day, ___. One day ___. Because of that, ___. Because of that, ___. Until finally ___.

The 4th Dimension – Creating Dynamic Animated Tile Layers in Bing Maps (AJAX v7) – Part 2 (recovered) | Alastair Aitchison

In my last post, I attempted to create an animated weather map in Bing Maps by using a custom tilelayer that pointed to a set of dynamically-generated animated GIF image tiles. Note that the tilesource itself never changed – it was the tile images which the tilelayer pointed to that were animated, rather than the tilesource itself. There are a number of limitations with this approach, since there is no way in the client application to control the animation


Making Audio Reactive Visuals — Airtight Interactive

There are a few different ways to sync visuals to music: Manual – live controlling visuals with keyboard or midi controls. Sequencing – pre-analyzing the music and scripting an animation as a list of timecoded events. Midi Input –  if you have access to the music’s midi data, this can be a great way to drive visuals. Audio Reactive - code driven visuals that automatically adapt to a live audio input. Here I want to talk about the last method. This can be useful for “Hands Free VJing”, allowing you to sit back and have the visuals automatically sync, or in a video game where you want some part of the visuals to react to the soundtrack.

Paths of Hate - Platige Shorts

"Paths of Hate" is a short tale about the demons that slumber deep in the human soul and have the power to push people into the abyss of blind hate, fury and rage.

Makoto Shinkai |

by 1 other
Makoto Shinkai est un réalisateur de film d’animation japonais. Il est surnommé dans plusieurs revues japonaises comme le nouveau Miyazaki, mais il juge qu’on le surestime et que ce rapprochement avec l’un des créateurs du studio Ghibli ne lui va pas. Force est de constater tout de même que l’inspiration de ce dernier se ressent très fortement dans ses œuvres  et que pour Makoto Shinkai, Hayao Miyazaki est une de ses principales sources d’inspiration. Originaire de la préfecture de Nagano, il a étudié la littérature japonaise à l’université de Chuo. Passioné par l’animation japonaise il désire peu à peu réaliser des courts métrages d’animation. Sa première réalisation totalement finalisé est le court métrage Kanojo to kanojo no neko diffusé en 1999.

Halcyon Realms – Animation.Film.Photography and Art Book Reviews » » 空の記憶 – Shinkai Makoto background artbook

“空の記憶” ( Memories of the sky ) is a mesmerizingly beautiful, richly comprehensive collection of background art from Shinkai Makoto’s animation films, dating back from his earlier works “Voices of a Distance Star” to his latest “5 Centimeters”.

Sunsastera Environment Design » mclelun

My group was one of the winners for IPCC 2011 animation competition and I had been working on this project for a while now. The final milestone presentation was held a few days ago at Sri Pentas, and we shown our work in progress trailer during that day. I guess it is be a good time to share a bit more info about this project with all my friends now.

Painterly Background for Animation » mclelun

I am working on a sizzle reel for an animation and it is currently on pre-production stage. In this animation, our team will be using 3D for characters and 2D for background. The main reason we choose 2D for background is to save production time through cutting down the time spend on modelling and texturing 3D environment. But this is not a simple task as my experience on painting are not that great either.

Makoto Shinkai Style Painting Tutorial » mclelun

Last year, I was doing a lot of background plates for an animation pitch project, Sunsastera and Makoto Shinkai’s (新海誠) work is one of my main reference. The background artworks I did are not really that great but some peoples are interest on the workflow and requesting a tutorial for it. So here it is, the Makoto Shinkai style painting tutorial. It will not be a step by step tutorial, but I will break down the tutorial into category for easier reading.


Bento Box

We're an entertainment-based technology company focused on building a platform to distribute literary and entertainment properties through social and mobile media.


by 4 others
The jQuery plugin for supercool scroll animation

The Best Short Films | Short of the Week


Musashi no Ken [H264] [ARR] torrent - BakaBT

Musashi no Ken is a great old school classic about a young boy, Musashi, raised from even before birth to become the greatest Kendo champpion in all of Japan. With a martial arts expert for a father and a mother with an enthusiasm streak you’ve rarely seen – their son Musashi is born to be super strong, fast, and trains harder than anyone – so how can he not become a champion? Part of the anime is him as a child, and part is of him as an adult.

Redbreast Suzunosuke - English

Redbreast Suzunosuke (Akado Suzunosuke) Type: TV series Episodes: 52 Year: 1972