public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from smartestbiz with tags Finance:Credit & credit

12 January 2009

Advanta Credit Card Scam

by 1 other
I sit at my desk completely frustrated with Advanta. I opened up a business credit card with them 3 years ago and made a purchase of $6500 to help build my business credit for Rapid Recovery Solution, my Collection Agency. I have paid more then the min...

18 December 2008

Is the crunch putting the brakes on credit cards?

by 1 other
The current economic slowdown that is battering the financial world is a little different from previous \'market readjustments\'. This time it\'s not just big business and the banking industry that have felt the shock-waves - the crunch has hit consume...

09 December 2008

Why You Would Need A Credit Report Repair Service

by 1 other
Very few people today have a credit report without a blemish. Most people have less than perfect credit and at times it is of no fault of their own. Sometimes when we are younger and first starting to build our credit we make silly mistakes. Other t...