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PUBLIC MARKS from smartestbiz with tags Finances & finance

January 2009

Business Loans in the Current Economy

by 1 other
Right now, there is a serious recession going on now in the overall economy. The effects on business are reverberating not only across the United States but around the world. From the average Joe on main street to auto workers in Detroit to traders o...

December 2008

Get The Best Insurance Coverage You Can Afford.

by 1 other
What is insurance? Insurance is the transfer of risk to a company you give your hard earned money to out of your pocket each month. With the way today's economy is, we need to find ways to get the best bang for our buck. I will give you a few tips on h...

November 2008

What Is Network Marketing?

by 1 other
Network Marketing is a business distribution model that allows a company to market their products directly to consumers by means of direct selling and referral, or word-of-mouth advertising. It differs from most other types of businesses in that there ...