public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from smartestbiz with tags communication & business

20 February 2009

How to write cover letters: simple tips to write cover letters

by 1 other
Do you want to know how to write cover letters? The cover letter is the single most important element of your application along with your resume. If you are unsure about about how to write cover letters, you can hire professional services that will wri...

How to write cover letters: learn how to cheat

by 1 other
The easiest way to write a create a career change cover letter is to use a professional service that will write the letter for you. Instead of buying new shirts and new shoes for your interview, invest in a good cover letter service that will make the...

How to write cover letters: what you should know

by 1 other
If you want to be really successful in landing that dream job, you need to learn how to write cover letters the right way. My advice would be to invest a bit of money in a professional service that will give you the ege over the competition.

17 February 2009

Advertising Tips - Advertising for Free

Advertising for free seems like an impossible thing when heard. But there are several ways by which the cost of advertisement can be conserved, with the help of some imagination and creativity.