public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from smartestbiz with tag "credit repair"

September 2009

How Fast is an Online Cash Advance?

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The money from cash advance companies can usually be in your account within 24 hours and that is why it is such a popular way of getting the emergency cash that you need. Many people are dubious about getting a cash advance because they are not sure ab...

August 2009

How Bad Credit Consolidation Loans Can Help You

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It isn't uncommon for monthly expenses to become a chore to maintain before inevitably becoming impossible to survive. High interest rates and the likes are causing more and more people to turn to bad credit consolidation loans and other kinds of conso...

July 2009

Low Interest Rate Credit Cards

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If a credit card is used properly, it is one of the most powerful financial tools. But not everybody can afford to pay the expensive interest rates that most credit card issuers offer. This is where low interest rate credit cards may help people who pl...

The Benefits to Restoring Your Credit Rating Can Last A Lifetime

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Repairing your credit after you have suffered through a crisis such as a bankruptcy, foreclosure or a series of unfortunate financial events is a must if you are going to move on with your life. There is a lot to know about repairing your credit and ra...

April 2009

Your Credit Score

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Unfortunately these days having a credit checking system is as important as having car insurance. Luckily there are some agencies that will give you a free credit score instantly. There are many reasons why you would want a free credit score. Maybe you...

March 2009

Loan Modification Insider Tips

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Now, we will deal with a few tips to increase your chances of obtaining a mortgage loan modification By knowing these little known facts you dramatically increase your chances of success. Let's go over a couple of tips.

Rebuilding Your Credit After Bankruptcy

When you complete your bankruptcy, you'll have a really deep sense of relief. You're starting a new chapter in your life. You're now situated for a new beginning financially. But, before you'll be able to actually get moving in your fresh financial ...

Rebuilding Credit After Bankruptcy

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After you finish your bankruptcy, you'll get a very intensive sense of relief. You're starting a new chapter in your life. You're now ready for a brand-new start financially. However, before you'll be able to actually get moving in your new financia...

Rebuilding Your Credit After Bankruptcy

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After you complete your bankruptcy, you'll have a really noticeable sense of relief. You're starting a new chapter in your life. You're now set for a brand-new beginning financially. But, before you'll be able to really get going in your new financi...

January 2009

Living in Debt Is Not Easy, Getting a Debt Consolidation Quote Is

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If you are having difficulty paying your loan and credit card bills each month, you need to get a debt consolidation quote. A debt consolidation quote from a reliable debt consolidation company will help you find a way out of debt. If you have accum...

Credit After Bankruptcy

If you have filed bankruptcy you should expect your credit will be severely damaged. However there is hope, you can take action to remove your bad credit and by building some positive credit you can have a high score.

Remove Tax Lien

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If you have a tax lien on your credit report, you should take immediate action to remove it. This is a very bad mark and will lower your score considerably.

Save your home with a Loan Modification Program

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Foreclosure rates are at an all-time high in the US right now. Stories of houses being abandoned by their owners and turned back over to the bank are all too common. The funny thing is that the banks don\'t even want the houses back, as they aren\'t in...

Improve Your Credit Score

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Improving your credit score can seem like an impossible task. This is because there is so much contradictory information and the scoring model makes you feel as though you have no direct control over your credit score.

December 2008

Improve Your Credit Score

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Improving your credit score can seem like an impossible task. This is because there is so much contradictory information and the scoring model makes you feel as though you have no direct control over your credit score.

How To Get Out From Debt

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Repairing your credit is never an easy thing. But, there are several things you can do to get yourself out of debt.

How to purchase seasoned trade lines

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If you're wondering how possible it is to improve your credit score by purchasing seasoned tradelines, let me give a simple answer to that question!