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PUBLIC MARKS from smartestbiz with tags "credit repair" & money

July 2009

Low Interest Rate Credit Cards

by 1 other
If a credit card is used properly, it is one of the most powerful financial tools. But not everybody can afford to pay the expensive interest rates that most credit card issuers offer. This is where low interest rate credit cards may help people who pl...

March 2009

Loan Modification Insider Tips

by 1 other
Now, we will deal with a few tips to increase your chances of obtaining a mortgage loan modification By knowing these little known facts you dramatically increase your chances of success. Let's go over a couple of tips.

January 2009

Credit After Bankruptcy

If you have filed bankruptcy you should expect your credit will be severely damaged. However there is hope, you can take action to remove your bad credit and by building some positive credit you can have a high score.