public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from smartestbiz with tags technology & electronics

May 2009

Mobile GPS Navigation

by 1 other
The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a global navigation satellite-based navigation system designed by the US department of defense and managed by the US Air Force 50th Space Wing. GPS was originally developed to be used for military purposes, howeve...

April 2009

Compact Dimension:

by 1 other
Every parent wishes to see their children blissful, delighted and positive all the time. Therefore, they like to cause their youngsters bliss in every possible means. When it comes to giving your kid something, there is nothing resembling giving them a...

March 2009

Technology - The latest in iPods ? iPod video

by 1 other
IPods have been a great market hit since their appearance in 2001, almost 5 years ago. Since listening to music is one of the favorite activities of today?s individuals, the constant evolution of this device was an important request, so the new product...

February 2009

Technology - The style of the new iPod video

by 1 other
Still, an increased concern in how these devices should look and what their particular style expresses is not insignificant, either.

The Meaning of Shuffle Mp3

by 1 other
The iPod Shuffle Mp3 has been around since 2005. It was firstly produced with mp3 player 1gb memory plus would maintain all but 240 songs. It is considered the budget model of the iPod line.

December 2008

Here's the way to get free xbox downloads

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Owners of Xboxes are well known for wanting the best system and the best gaming experience. After all, an Xbox 360 is a system that constantly offers great new features and is one of the most popular gaming systems there is, even with newer ones being...

The Technical Definition of Motion Detectors

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The exact definition of a motion detector is a device with a physical mechanism or electronic sensor that measures motion. Some motion detectors have alarms in addition to the more common light.

Here's the way to get free xbox downloads

by 1 other
Xbox owners are known for wanting to make their gaming experience better and improve their systems. After all, the Xbox 360 is a great system that constantly offers new features. It's been able to stay popular, even after newer systems have been rele...

Resources - New Computer Technology

by 1 other
New computer technology comes out continuously. As a computer consultant you probably want to keep up with all the new computer technology that comes along. You're most likely in love with technology - always looking for a new intrusion endorsement pro...

Find out what is best HDTV for you!

by 1 other
When reviewing HDTV evaluations one should actually look for essential characteristics that will help them how to choose the proper HD television depending on what type of media they plan on using with the system. There are numerous features and tech s...