public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from smartestbiz with tags "website development" & "website design"

14 December 2008

Web Design; Professional Or Bust

by 1 other
When you are getting ready to have your website designed and you call in your first candidate; you would expect a middle aged, well dressed man, right? Most of the time that is not the case. A younger kid is often staring back at you, his hair a mess w...

24 November 2008

Web Designing Tips for Your Webpage

by 1 other
Web design is a very important part of operating your online business. The meaning of having a web attendance is very important for todays for selling a serious way. Since there is not an actual store for people to walk into, the set up of your website...

Web Design and Development Tips

by 1 other
Web design is a very important part of operating your online business. The meaning of having a web attendance is very important for todays for selling a serious way. Since there is not an actual store for people to walk into, the set up of your website...